chapter 3

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Part 1

I stare at the pile of clothes on my bed, feeling overwhelmed. I have no idea what to wear today.

I Have never been to school before. I have always been teaching myself by reading at home, and now I have to learn with at least 15 other kids.

"Elena, are you ready?" Aaron calls from the hallway.

"Um, not really," I say, biting my lip.

He walks into the room and looks around. "Did someone break in to your room while we were asleep?" He asks amused.

Ella walks into the room too.

I sigh, "I don't know what to wear!" I groan.

"Hey, don't worry. You'll be fine," Ella says smiling.

I pick up two dresses. "Which one?" I ask desperate, I have 20 minutes to eat, get dressed and brush my teeth.

I have already taken a shower, curled my hair, but I'm so stressed. I'm sweating and my hair is annoying me.

"They look the same?" Ella asks confused.

Aaron laughs. "They're not the same, love."

"they're both the same green colour?" She asks confused.

Aaron rolls his eyes and smiles, "pick the one on the left."

I nod.

"Be quick, we have to leave in 10 minutes." Aaron says and they leave.

When I'm dressed, I run down the stairs to get something to eat.

"are you leaving already??" I ask as I see Ella putting on her shoes.

"yes, but Aaron will be back before me, so he'll be here when you get back from school." Ella smiles and gives me a hug. "You need to tell me everything when I'm back!"

"I will!" I tell her.

"You have nothing to worry about, you're smart and sweet and pretty. Everyone will love you." She smiles once again.

"Thanks, Ella. You're the best," I smile back.

"You'll do great," Aaron said, reassuringly.

"Thanks, Aaron. I love you," i say trying not to cry. I hug him before they leave.

"I'll see you later, okay?" Aaron say, kissing my forehead.

"Okay," I say, nodding.

I feel a pang in my chest as I watch them go, but I'll see them when I get home. I really hope this day go by fast. I need it to, I actually don't think I can manage 6-7 hours away from them.

I eat quickly and go brush my teeth, and as I'm done I prepare everything I need for today and walk outside to meet James.

"Elena!" James waves from a distance, I walk over to him.

I see he also brought his friend, which I've just met once, when I was sleeping over at James and Admas house.

"hi elena, ready for your first day?" His friend asks me.

I just nod.

I feel so awkward as we walk to school. I just don't know what to say or do.

James's friend tries to talk to me on our way to school, but I can't focus on the conversation.

When we arrive at school I almost feel sick, there are at least hundreds of kids walking around, talking, laughing, hanging out. Everyone knows each other here, and I just know I won't belong.

Too young for warजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें