chapter 12

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Today, Kenji's will be training Juliette. He wants her to move a
dumbbell across the room I think!

all she has managed to do was to make it twitch, but I guess it's a start.
"You're not focusing." Kenji tells her.

He gives her a speech once in a while when she doesn't do it right, he says the same thing over and over again.
Poor Juliette, I would've told kenny to back away and be quite.

Must have taken after Aaron I guess.

Juliette keeps on trying, over and over again, and I sit here watching everything they do, I really wish James was here so we could cheer on Juliette together.

days are boring as I realize that everything is better when having a friend, but as he is not here at the moment I'm stuck with these people. Don't get me wrong, I love Kenji and Juliette, but they are always talking and I don't want to interrupt them.

It looks like she is counting now.
She closes her eyes and try to truly focus this time.

She lifts her arms, planting her feet firmly on the floor, and blow out a breath. And then squeezes her eyes shut.

I notice Juliette's shoulders, wrists, my forearms tense too.
I can tell she feels more confident, at least that's what I see in her right now.

She curl my fists, pull back her arms. And then fling them forward, opening her hands at the same time.


She squint one eye open, sneaking a look at the dumbbell! still standing in the same spot.

and I don't get what happens before I see panic all over Kenji's face.

GET DOWN," Kenji shouts, yanking her backward and
shoving her face-first onto the floor.

I do the same, I'm quick to hide my face down with my hands on top of my head.
I can hear everyone shouting and thudding to the ground
around me. I want to see what happened, but I don't dare to look up, not until Kenji says it okay at least.

as it turns silence I feel like I don't have any other choice but to look up.

The rock wall is fissuring into what might be a hundred pieces, creaking and groaning as it falls apart,

we all just stands and watch.

I get terrified as one huge, jagged brick trembles just
unhinging from the wall.

just before Aaron is standing underneath.
I'm about to shout before I see him look up, both hands
outstretched toward the chaos.

Immediately, the wall stop shaking. The pieces hover, trembling only slightly.

The pieces doesn't fall anymore, instead they start fitting back into place.

Aaron looks to his right. Nods.
I look behind me to see Castle on the other side. He used
Castle's power.

Everyone begins to pop their heads up, realizing something has changed.

All of us slowly get to our feet. Nothing else is damaged thankfully and no one is hurt.

When the work is finally done, Aaron and Castle share
a brief moment of acknowledgment before they head in
opposite directions.

Aaron comes to find Juliette and Castle to everyone else. They are talking, but I can't help but run over to them anyway. As I approach I hear Aaron tell her how incredible it was.

"that was amazing Juliette! A little scary, but amazing!" I tell her taking Aaron's hand.

She smiles a shy smile as I look up at Aaron.

"are you okay? you didn't get hurt?" I ask trying to study him.

"I'm fine" he tells me with a little smile.


"your meals will be delivered to you three times a day"
Aaron says. "If you don't eat, or if you miss a meal and find yourself hungry, feel free to shed your tears in the shower. And then learn to set a schedule. Don't bring your complaints to me." He continues.

"You already have your own weapons," he goes on, "but,
as you can see, this room is also fully stocked."

"Sweet," lan says. He looks a little too excited as he heads toward a set of rifles.
"If you touch any of my guns, I will break both of your
hands," Warner says to him.
lan freezes in place.

I actually laugh at that.

"This wall is off-limits to you. All of you," he says, looking around the room. "Everything else is available for your use. Do not damage any of my equipment. Leave things the way you found them. And if you do not shower on a regular basis, do not come within ten feet of me."

Kenji snorts, I do too.

"I have other work to attend to," Aaron says. "I will return at nineteen hundred hours, at which time we can reconvene and begin our discussions. In the interim, take advantage of the opportunity to get situated. You may use the extra mats in the corner to sleep on. I hope for your sake you brought your own blankets."

Alia's bag slips out of her hands and thuds onto the floor. Everyone spins in her direction. She goes pink.

"Are there any questions?" Aaron asks.

"Yeah," Kenji says. "Where's the medicine?
Aaron nods to Delalieu, who's still standing in the

"Give my lieutenant a detailed account of any injuries and illnesses. He will procure the necessary treatments"

Kenji nods, and means it. He actually looks grateful
"Thank you," he says.
Aaron holds Kenji's gaze for just a moment. "You're welcome."

Kenji raises his eyebrows.
Even I'm surprised.

Aaron then looks at Juliette, looks at her for a
second before looking away. And then, without a word, hits the button for the elevator and steps inside.

I watch the doors close behind him.
he didn't even say goodbye to me, and that is something he will defiantly hear from me the second I see him later today.

sorry for the boring chapter! James will hopefully be in the picture very soon and Kenji and Elena will be training together, (i have some fun ideas for that) but I'm really excited for Nazeera to come, so I can write about her too! love her character<33

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