chapter 6

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(I made a little mistake in the last chapter, Warner does not know who Juliette is yet, he only know he tortured his sister, I believe—I'm getting confused😶‍🌫️)
(The scene where Warner and Kenji finds Juliette dr*nk in Anderson's old room, has happened, just so its easier to understand this chapter<3)

My eyes widen as Juliette joins us this morning. she is almost unrecognizable.

The twin children of the South American supreme and the son of the supreme commander of Africa all arrived early this morning, so we are all here in this room.

Aaron had just been in the middle of introducing the three of them to Castle and Kenji, who came down to greet our new visitors, when Juliette made her first appearance of the day.

Im sitting in a chair beside Aaron, while he is standing.

Back to Juliette, her hair is shaved, and I'm curious of why she did it. But she is still stunning, and nothing will change that.

I look at Aaron to see his reaction, but he is already looking at her, studying her.

The room quietness as she enters. All eyes on her.

"she looks really pretty, don't you think?" I say to Aaron as I look up at him.

She looks at the both of us before looking at the stunned expressions of Kenji and Castle to the quietly confused faces of our three new guests, and all of us appear unable to speak.

I feel like something is wrong here. Aaron is not himself, and Juliette seem to be acting different too.

"Good morning," she finally says, but she doesn't smile when she says it.

I look up at Aaron once again, but this time with confusion all over my face.

There's no warmth, no kindness in her eyes as she looks around.

"Damn, princess, is that really you?"
Juliette appraises Kenji once, swiftly, but doesn't respond.

"Who are you three?" she says, nodding at the new people. They stand
slowly. Uncertainly.

"These are our new guests," Aaron says, but it looks like he has a difficult time looking at her.

"I was just about to introduce them to Castle and Kishimo—"

"And you weren't going to include me?" says a new voice. "I'd like to meet
the new supreme commander, too."

I turn around to see Lena stand by the doorway. not even three feet from Juliette, looking around the room like she's never been so delighted in all her life.

Lena's eyes are bright, her smile wide and happy, and It makes me want to slap her across the face.

When Lena turns to face her, I can tell everyone in the room stiffen.

"Hi," Lena says loudly. False happiness disfigures her smile, morphing it into something cruel. She holds out her hand as she says,

"It's nice to finally meet Warner's girlfriend." And then: "Oh, wait—I'm sorry. I meant ex- girlfriend."

I quickly look at Aaron, confused, when did they break up?

Juliette looks her up and down.
She takes her time, tilting her head as she devours Lena with her eyes and I can see Lena's offered hand beginning to tire, her open fingers starting to shake.

Juliette seems unimpressed.

"You can call me the supreme commander of North America," she says.
And then walks away.

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