chapter 3

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kenji's pov:

"let me leave, or get my sister right now!" Warner tells Castle harshly. This guy has no chills, but yet I understand why he is so desperate to get Elena.

"calm down son, I'm sure Kenji will go get her." Castle says looking over at me. I'm not even going to argue, I miss that kid and I'm just happy I can help.

"alright, I'll get her, but I'm not doing it for him." I tell Castle as I start walking away from them.

"Elena pov"

Aaron has been gone all night and I'm getting worried. He haven't checked on me in ages it feels like, and I really miss him.

I'm sitting in my room, no shock there, and I'm drawing. I was just reading, but couldn't really focus because my thoughts were only brought back to Aaron all the time.

I'm just scribbling to be honest, not drawing anything special.

there is a knock on my door and a big part of me hopes it Aaron, but knowing him right, he doesn't knock.

I walk over to the door and open it slowly.

hm, there is no one there.? As I'm going to close the door again, something stops me.

No, there isn't a something—
"KENJI!!" I almost yell as I throw myself at him.

He laughs as he closes my door.
"hey kid!" He chuckles as he hugs me back.

"where have you been?? do you know where Aaron is?? why did you leave kenji—" I ask clearly a little mad at the end.

"yes I know where Warner is, and you will soon see where I went." He tells me as he try not to worry me.

"where you went? where did you go? is Juliette and Adam with you?"
I ask him.

"no, they are not here right now, but they are at the place I'm taking you! we will have to be invisible, ok?" He tells me.

I know about Kenjis invisibility because I saw him use it one time, and then I guess he wasn't able to lie his way out it again.

I take his hand and we are on our way to god knows where.

'At omega point'

"Woah" I say as I look around this place.
"you like it?" Kenji ask as he look at my face.

"it's a bit white, but I like it!" I tell him.

As I look around I spot the one person I missed and wanted to see the most.
"AARON" I almost yell.

I let go of Kenjis hand and run over to him as I hop into his arms.
I wince a little as he puts me back down. The side of my back still hurts, the wound is still kind of open.

"why did you do that?" Kenji asks. "Do what?" I look at him confused.

"you winced."

Aaron looks at me confused. He is looking down at my hands which are now holding around my stomach, my hands covering my side back.

"I'm going to lift up your shirt-" Aaron says as he slowly lift it up, not much though. As he does this it reveals two scars on my left side.

He lets go of my shirt. It's quiet and we are not the only people here, it's awkward.

"Sonya and Sara, could you fix her up?" a man says. He is tall, not quite old, but..old.

He smiles as he catching me looking at him.

Two girls, I believe they are twins comes up to me, "please follow us!" They say with a kind smile. I'm unsure because I want to stay with Aaron, he even doesn't look like he likes them.

"don't worry, we will be quick!" one of the girls says to me. I look over at Aaron before I follow them into one of the room.


"may we ask who did this to you?" One of the girls ask me. I look down before answering.

" dad" I say not looking up.
"hey don't worry, you are at a safe place now!" The other one say smiling. I see that as I look back up.

"Aaron doesn't really seem to like this place though." I say kind of regretting it after.

They look at each other, "Aaron? Is that Warners real name?" one of them ask.

"I always forget that people call him Warner" I smile a little.

"well, yes, I don't think he likes it here, but that shouldn't stop you from liking it here!" one of them say.

"can I ask you two something?" I ask

"how can I tell you two apart?"

They smile, "my nose goes a little more up than Sara's!" Sonya says, "but other than that there isn't a lot of visible differences" Sara continues.

"I see that now, but it's still hard to tell who is who.." I say still trying to study them both.
they chuckle as they make me sit up straighter.

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