chapter 14

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I'm sick.

I knocked at Aaron's door yesterday when Juliette opened.

I was sweating and feeling terrible, something I think she noticed. First she asked me if I was okay, but then told me Aaron was at his office so I hurried in to him.

it was pretty late when I knocked, so Juliette's hair was messy and she was wearing pyjamas, so I think I may have woken her up.

I walked in to see Aaron look up as I entered.

he got up and hurried up to me.

"you are burning up." He told me as he puts his forearm on my forehead.

I ended up throwing up seconds later, Aaron holding up my hair as I told him to make it stop.

And then there is Juliette panicking, asking if she could do anything.

Aaron ended up sleeping in my room, and now, the next day, am feeling a little better.

"your fever isn't over, so you are not to leave this room today." Aaron tells me.

"and we can't have you getting the others sick." He continues.

"but I am feeling better, and I'm just going to say hi to James, then I'll leave." I tell him hoping to change his mind.

"no, get some rest and if you are feeling better by tomorrow, you can leave your room." he tells me and walks out.

so that's what I did, I slept, ate and read.

and now it's finally the next day and I'm feeling much better than yesterday. Aaron left 10 minutes ago and I'm now getting dressed.

I already brushed my teeth, ate and did everything people do except for having an outfit on. I'm still in my pyjamas looking through my wardrobe, and finally I've found something I can wear.

I put on some off-white dress pants and a light green sweater with some white sneakers.
(comment what you imagine her wearing if this isn't the outfit you imagine<3)

and I'm off to the training room. I'm so excited to see James, I imagine that sector 45 will be a lot more fun with him here.

Aaron and the others aren't as fun to be with, except Kenji of course, he makes funny jokes.

I take the elevator down and as it open I am met by James calling out my name. I look to see him standing up from where he sat with Adam seconds before.

He run over to me and we both hug.

"i missed you!" I tell him.

He smiles, "I missed you too!"

"I'm so happy to be here! I've finally got to take a warm shower and the food here is so good!" He tells me, and I smile back.

"that's amazing!" I tell him.

"are you okay though, Juliette told me you were sick.."

"feeling much better, thank you!" I giggle.

"I have to tell you something!" I say as I drag him over to some benches.

"I have started training like Juliette do-"

"you have cool abilities too??" He asks surprised.

"I found out I can tell when danger is coming, but it's not really any use since I'm not allowed to help with anything."

"I got tested for abilities too, if I get a cut it's gone just seconds later-" James tells me.

"thats amazing, that we both have cool abilities!"

we both smile before I come up with something we can do.

"want to check who is the strongest?" I ask him getting up.

"you know I'll win." He says getting up too.

"okay, I'm going to sit on your back and then we take turns, but you have to try to run, and not only stand still." I explain.

"So, piggyback ride?" He asks.

"Piggyback ride?" I ask.

"what you explained is called a piggyback ride." He tells me.

"oh, okay you go first?"

he nods and I place my arms over his shoulder, he take my legs and stands up.

"you're defiantly going to loose, you weight nothing compared to me!" He giggles as he starts running.

"you run too slow!" I laugh as he starts spinning.

I squeal as even I get a little dizzy.

"I'm getting dizzy-" he laughs as he stops.

"okay, your turn, let's see you running with me on your back." He says as I get down.

As he gets up, I don't really struggle, he isn't as heavy as I thought he would be.

"you're not even that heavy James." I tell him as I chuckle.

"okay, start running!"

I do, but I know it looks weird, which makes it funnier.

I run over to the other side of the room where Kenji, Juliette and the other are talking just a little further away.

"I told you it's not that easy-" James says holding on for his dear life.

"you are choking me James-" I tell him laughing before I loose my balance.

and we both fall, beside each other.

We just laugh.

"are you okay Elena-" he laughs.

and as I look up I see Kenji.

"too early for this energy." He says helping us up.

"Kenji, I slept all day yesterday, I'm full of energy" I giggle.

he chuckles.

"do you think you can lift the both of us?" James asks.

"I know I can." Kenji says proudly.

"I bet you can't" I say giggling, but as soon as I say that, Kenji throws us both over his shoulder.

We laugh,

"ok, kenny, you are strong!" I laugh.

"hey Kenji, we should concentrate on the planning." Brendan says from where the others are also standing.

Seconds later I hear the elevator door open, and I know who it is.

"Kenny, turn us around." I giggle.

"hi Aaron!" I wave as James giggle.

and Kenji turns us back around, Aaron is only here for his training so we can continue to have fun.

"kenji, it's not really comfortable up here.." James says and I couldn't agree more.

he place us back on the ground, and we go back to the benches.

"tomorrow I'll bring something we can play with, maybe we can draw?" I say.

"no, maybe we can puzzle! I do got one with flowers on, it has about 300 pieces!" I continue thinking of ideas.

"a puzzle would be fun!" James says smiling.

I feel like everything sounds better in my head-
This chapter sounds rushed I know, but I still hope you enjoyed it<3
thank you for reading my story, it makes me more motivated and happy to write:)

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