defy me

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(So what has happened now, is that Juliette and Warner has been taken, Juliette has been taken by her parents, and someone took Warner too. They was taken when Juliette tried to hold a speech, but when the soldiers didn't listen she screamed and every solider "died".)

-*kenjis pov*-

We're all running.

Base isn't far from here, and our best option is to go on foot. But the minute we hit the open air, the group of us—myself, Castle, Winston, injured Brendan, Ian, and Alia—go invisible.

Someone shouts a breathless thanks in my direction, but I'm not the one doing this.
My fists clench.


This is all her fault.

Juliette attended that symposium because Nazeera encouraged her to go.
Nazeera convinced Juliette it was the right thing to do.

I can't believe I let myself be distracted by a pretty face.
I should've trusted Warner when he told me she was hiding something.

We make our way, as a group, to the fifteenth floor, to our home on base in Sector 45.

Warner only just finished having this thing built for us. He cleared out this entire top floor for our new headquarters—we'd hardly even settled in—and things have already gone to shit.

I can't even allow myself to think about it now, not yet.
It makes me feel sick to my stomach.

Once we're gathered in our largest common room, I do a head count. All Omega Point members are present.

Adam and James show up to find out what happened, and Sonya and Sara stick around just long enough to gather intel before carting Brendan over to the medical wing.

Winston disappears down the hall behind them.
Juliette and Warner never show.

And Elena isn't here either.

When she finds out Warner is gone, I can't imagine her reaction.

Nazeera is gone too, but I don't bother looking for her either, I can't look at her right now.

-*Elena's pov*-

Aaron is gone.

My worst nightmare, the nightmares I had before, they are coming true.

"Tell me this isn't true, please—" I cry out, tears building up in my eyes.

I know who took him, not exactly who, but I do know I have met them before.

"I'm not going to see him again—" I panic, shaking as tears run down my cheeks.

I still, I don't know why I do, but my body stills and— a sudden wave of fear goes through me. The images of what they might do to my brother horrifies me, until I now can't breath properly.

"Elena, you need to calm down." Nazeera tries to tell me.

She places her hands on my shoulders and leads me to the end of my bed, making me sit down.

"you need to breath," she tells me. But it's easier to say than do.
"Elena, we will find him, but you need to try to calm down."

"hey look at me." She tells me not as softly as before, but more like telling someone to focus.

I slowly look up.
She looks at me serious, I feel stupid. I'm terrified of loosing my brother, if I loose him, I have no one. No one like him at least, and I need him.

"We have to meet up with the others, okay? but before we go, you need to take a deep breath, and we are going to find him, and Juliette—"

Of course they took Juliette too, I should've seen that coming.

I try my best to stop, get ahold of my breathing, trying my best to calm down, and its working a little, but my fear and thoughts won't leave me.

I need my brother back, I need him to be okay, and I need Juliette to be okay too.

"are you ready to go now?" She asks me, studying me.

I nod, we stand up and my arms go automatically around my stomach, like a hug, but it makes my hands steadier, so I try to do anything to hide the fear I'm showing on the outside.

We walk inside the room where all the others are, Nazeera turns us invisible, which surprises me, as invisibility is Kenjis thing, and I did not expect her to have any abilities.

But I don't say anything, Im too busy trying to breath quietly.

They are talking about something I can't focus on.

I sit down against the wall, arms around my knees, head on top.

Suddenly we aren't invisible anymore, I don't look up, but I can see my shoes.

It gets quiet, until I hear Ian say:
"Bro, did you know about this?"

I think he is referring to Nazeera having the same ability as Kenji.
He doesn't answer the question, but I'm pretty sure he is mad.

"Kenji," she says, and her voice is so sharp.
"Yeah?" He says.

Carefully, Nazeera says, "I really think you should sit down for this."

"I'm good." He says not looking at her.

and I'm curious on why she told him that, and then she hold out some pictures for him to see.

and that's when Kenji sits down.

I have not read though this chapter either🫣
crossing my fingers and hoping it's good though🫶

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