chapter 7

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I haven't talked to James since the cafeteria thing happened. I don't really want to leave our room.

It's only been a day, and I don't understand why Aaron still leaves our room when people would said so mean things about him. To me, that doesn't make sense, but unlike Aaron, I care about what other people say.

I'm laying in my bed, it's pinch black in here, Aaron have left our room to do something, he wouldn't tell me what though.

He said he would be back soon, and that we will leave omega point.

I don't understand why we have to leave at night, I'm sure Castle would let us leave if we told him we wanted too. He heard what the people here said.

I'm really tired, and all I want to do is sleep.
I'm all dressed so I'm not very comfortable, but I'm sure I would be able to fall asleep if I could.

As my eyes close, Aaron comes in, he doesn't look calm like he did before he left. He looks more irritated, hurt maybe?

"We are leaving." He tells me as I get up. He stand by the door waiting for me as I pick up my jacket.

"you will have to be quite until we are outside, ok?" He tells me.
I nod.

"Did something happen?" I ask, but he doesn't answer. We are almost outside, so I'm taking the risk to ask.

"Not now Elena." He says and we walk out of the building. He holds my hand, he must have memorised the way out, because I can't see a thing.

It's dark outside and cold.
We both see the tank standing only some meters away from us.
we walk up to it and Aaron helps me get in.

My heart is racing, and for some reason I like it.

I do actually like this feeling, I love being outside, but being outside at night when the wind blows in your face is another feeling I've never felt.

"Can we do this more often please?" I ask Aaron smiling.

He smiles small, but doesn't say anything.

The ride is long, but I don't mind it, and I'm not tired anymore.

I hope that one day I will be able to go outside at night, watch the stars with Aaron, James, Kenji and maybe even Juliette, I want this world to change for the better. I like the though, thinking about a bright future.

I'm sure I'm not the only child wanting to save the world, I at least told Aaron I would at the age of 4, and my wish is to at least be able to help just a little bit. That's one of my biggest wishes, that and Aaron letting me outside more.


I can see sector 45 now, "Aaron.?" I ask

"hm?" He says trying to concentrate.

"Do you think dad is still here.?" I ask worried. I really hope he left, I don't want to see him.

He looks at me after he parked the tank, "I'm not sure, but you don't have to worry about that. I'll make sure he won't lay a finger on you."

He stands up and walks further away so I have space to do the same.
He helps me out of the tank.

the halls are empty I see as we walk inside. We are on our way to my room when I stop.

"Aaron-" I say, "can we not go to my room." I continue.

"I don't really want to be alone" I tell him as I take his hand to lead the way to his room instead.

I let go of his hand as we walk up the stairs. I know he don't mind me sleeping in his room.

The real reason I don't want to sleep in my own room is because I'm afraid. I'm afraid my father will do something to Aaron when I'm not there, if he is still here.. i feel the need of comfort and company. I'm afraid to be alone because my brain have a weird feeling of danger coming, but not for me.

hopefully you guys like this chapter, I'm a bit proud of it, but I want to get better at writing, so if you have any tips, please comment<33

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