chapter 18

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(it has been two days since Juliette and the others took over sector 45, which also means Warner now knows that Adam and James is his half-brothers!:))

it's morning, which is also my least favourite part of the day.

"get out of bed" Aaron tells me standing beside my bed.

"NO!" I yell turning to the other side covering my face from the light.

"why do you fight me every single morning?" He sighs.

"BECAUSE YOU NEVER LEARN!" I yell, but right after I do, my duvet is taken away from me.

"I don't have time for this Elena, I have enough things to do today." He tells me placing my duvet on the end of the bed.

"imagine I was the one to wake you up, i would not be caring towards you." I tell him getting up to sit instead.

"I'm sure you wouldn't," he says. "go shower, eat and you can go to the trading quarters."


he kisses the top of my head and leaves.

if it weren't for Juliette sleeping in Aaron's bed, I would wake him up tomorrow morning.


"James!" I call out when I walk out of the elevator.

he smiles when he sees me, "are we going to ask him today?" he asks me.

"yes! but I'm not sure he'll say yes, since you are asking to sleep over in my room." I tell him not exactly nervous, but scared about the answer we'll get.

"he won't say no, I'm sure he will be okay with it!" James smiles. I do too.

"okay, come on."

"Adam!" James call out as we walk over to him.
He looks up.

"um—do you think I could sleep over in Elena's room tonight-?"

It looks like he is actually considering it before nodding.

He looks up at us, but looks at me a little longer before looking at James.

We both smile when we turn to each other.

"thank you Adam!" James squeal as we run over to where he has his things.

"you don't need to pack a lot, I've got most of it in my room." I smile.

and as soon as he packed only a few things, we are off to my room.


"wow, your room is really cool!" James says looking around as we enter.

"thank you!" I say smiling.

"and that is your bed— wait—what's that-?" He asks looking at the white double doors on the wall.

"my closet?"

"How many clothes do you have Elena? You must have a thousand-"

I giggle.

He looks around a little more, looking at everything.

"want to see something?" I ask him as he take a seat on the end of my bed.

He nods happily as I try to find what I'm looking for in my drawers.

I finally find it.

"a camera?" James asks surprised.

"Aaron bought me it when I was four, to keep me occupied while he was gone." I tell him.

"So that's where you got all the pictures on your wall, does it print out the pictures?"

"it does," I tell him smiling. "Want to try?"

I take a seat beside him to take a picture of the both of us.


and the picture slowly comes out of the camera.

"wow, that's really cool—" he says quite shocked. "can I take a picture of you?" He asks excised, but also a little shy.

"of course!" I say giving him the camera.


I do.

He shows me the picture as it's done being printed out. I smile as he looks proud of himself.

"can we take one more picture of the two of us, I want to show it to Adam!"

We do, but this time we make it a funny picture.

we both smile looking at it when it's done being printed out.


"kenji—" I laugh as he spins me around, going so fast I might faint.

"I told you Elena, it isn't as fun as it looks!" James tells me from experience. Kenji did the same thing to James just before me.

"But it is fun—" I am still laughing weirdly as I can tell Kenji's arms are getting tired.

"okay, okay, that's enough kiddos, no more spinning or you'll get me sick." Kenji says after he stopped spinning.

I look around and as I spot Juliette not far from us I smile.

She turns around.

"Can you catch me?" I ask excitedly as both me and James are a little over the sleep schedule.

James laugh.

"Haven't you have enough spinning already?" Kenji asks smiling at me and then at smiling James.

I look back at Juliette and she nods smiling, but she doesn't look so confident about it.

I'm still trying to get to know her better, as I want to get closer to the people my brother has taken a liking to. And Juliette might be the first one he actually likes.

Well, he likes Nazeera too, I think. At least I think she is super cool!

I run over to Juliette and jump a little so she can catch me, which she also does.

I'm in the air and she catches me and turns me around one time.

It tickles in my stomach.

"Wow, J—you are a natural talent!" Kenji says amazed.

"that's was so fun! You're even better than kenji!" I tell Juliette.

I look over at him and he only pretends to be offended.

I smile and run up to James as I had forgotten that Aaron will come by very soon.

"James, I think we should go back up to my room, Aaron will be there soon, and I can't miss that." I tell him as I'm now standing in front of him by the elevator.

"okay! Let's go!"

We leave saying goodbye to the others and we both walk back up to my room.

We quickly get ready for bed, Aaron would have gotten slightly upset with me if he still saw me wearing the outfit I wore all day.

As the door opens me and James run to the bed and throw the duvet over us.

He comes into view and I sit up.

"I didn't know you would have your sleepover today." He says confused, but still hard to read.

"I didn't have the chance to tell you, hopefully it is okay?" I ask getting up to put away the camera we used before.

"why are you here so late?" James suddenly ask.

Aaron looks at him, then back at me.

"I was just wondering why you come so late, won't Elena be sleeping when you get here?" James asks again.

Aaron looks at me again. "no, she is most likely awake when I get here. and I come late because I have a lot to do."

I can't help but laugh to myself.

Sorry! I haven't written anything in so long, I haven't been home<3

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