chapter 2

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I am snuggled up with blankets and pillows on Kenji and Nazeera's couch.

Kenji is attempting to prepare food while Nazeera is doing something I can't see.

"shit shit shit—" kenji panics.

I look up to see smoke everywhere in the kitchen.

"what the hell kenji—" nazeera says mad when she walks into the room.

She pushes kenji away and turns off the oven and open some windows.

she looks at him, and he panics.

"How do you not know how to make the most easiest food, you're 25."

I giggle.

"this," He says pointing at the food in the oven. "Was not my fault"

She looks at him as he now tries not to look at her.

"This was one little mistake, I swear, I know how to make food." He says now crossing his arms.

And before she gets to say anything kenji walks over to a chair where I'm laying.

"so Elena—" he says taking small looks over to where nazeera is standing in the kitchen, now that she is the one making the food.

"are you scared of her Kenny?" I giggle.

"I am not scared of my own girlfriend." He tells me trying to sound confident.

He looks at her for a second.

"maybe just a little scared.." he whispers to me, I laugh.

"anyways, let's talk about you kiddo." He smiles. "first day of school is on Monday right?" Kenji asks.

My mood changes immediately. I hoped they wouldn't bring it up..

I let out a small breath.

"I'm not going kenji."

"Oh, so we're using my real name now, what happened to kenny?"

«Im not joking."

He looks at nazeera in surprise.

"She didn't want to go, you know that." Nazeera says walking into the living room with us.

He looks at me then. "You're not going to school??"


" why..?" He asks curious.

I groan. "Why do everyone want me to go to school so bad, if you want to go so bad, then go yourself." I say. "I came here because I didn't want to Ella to try talking me into going"

"sorry kiddo, just surprised you don't want to go."

Nazeera gives him a look, trying to make him stop talking.

"I'll go get something to drink.." he says trying to avoid her look.

"want something?" He asks me.


As soon as he walks away, Nazerra looks at me.

"So would you tell me why you won't go?"

"I thought you would understand why I wouldn't go, are you on everyone else side too?" I say irritated.

"no, I am on your side Elena, but—"

"There is no but, I don't want to go nazeera." I groan.


When I get home I'm surprised by the topic of school is not mentioned.

Im trying my best to sleep, but I can't. Ella has talked so much about school, that in the last few days, I've dreamed about it.

Most of them was about different scenarios where I couldn't handle the class and that no one liked me and Aaron was no where to be found when I was finally home, and the whole school day I needed him.

What if that happen? what would I do? I know none of the kids in town, I've never talked to them, and they have no idea I even exist.

But they already know each other.

I decide to go see if Aaron is awake. He usually is at this time.

His office is almost right beside my bedroom, and the door is closed.

I knock.

I open the door slowly to see if he is in there, and he is.

"I can't sleep."  I tell him.

His new office is big, but not as big as the other one he had at sector 45. It still has an extra chair for me though.

In the office, it's also a couch, and that's where I'm heading now.

I let myself fall on it, and I sigh.

"it's 01.32 am, elena, you usually don't have a problem falling asleep." He says concerned.

"sorry Aaron, I'm so very sorry I won't go to school-" I tell him sadly.

"Sweetheart-" he starts.

"I hate hearing Ella talk about how much she would love for me to go to school, how she talks about how many friends I could make-" I say almost crying.

"but I don't want to leave you, I need you there if I'm going-"

"Elena, please-"

I keep quiet.

He sighs.

"I know. We will not force you to go." He tells me.
"and you do not need to go, the other kids need school to get the future they want, but you don't need that."

"but, the reason we want you to go is because you need to socialise, you need to make friends Elena, I will not be here for you forever-"

"yes you will." I tell him.

He smiles.

"And I know how much you love to read and learn."

"at home i love that, but not at school."

"you have never tried."

"I know I won't like it.."

He sighs.

"if you at least try, and you don't like it.." he starts. "I will let you be homeschooled."

I think about it for a while. I nod.

"Okay.." I start. "I will go."

School can't be that bad can it?

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