chapter 5

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-*juliettes pov*-

Elena is now sleeping where she first slept when we got on the plane.

So me and Aaron is sitting alone once again.

"Ella," he says softly.

A wave of feeling washes over me. Hearing him say my name—my real name—makes everything feel real. Makes us feel real.

I meet his eyes.

He smiles. "You know— I feel everything when you touch me, love. I can feel your excitement. Your nervousness. Your pleasure. And I love it," he says quietly.

"I love the way you respond to me. I love the way you want me. I feel it, when you lose yourself, the way you trust me when we're together. And I feel your love for me," he whispers. "I feel it in my bones."

He turns away.

"I have loved you my entire life."

He looks up, looks at me with so much feeling it nearly breaks my heart. "And after everything we've been through— after all the lies and the secrets and the misunderstandings—I feel like we've been given a chance to start fresh. I want to start over," he says.

" I never want to lie to you again. I want us to trust each other and be true partners in everything. No more misunderstandings," he says. "No more secrets. I want us to begin again, here, in this moment."

I nod, pulling back so I can see his face more clearly. Emotions well in my throat, threaten to overcome me.

"I want that, too. I want that so much."

"Ella," he says, his voice rough with feeling. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

My heart stops.

I stare at him, uncertain, thoughts pinwheeling in my head. I touch his cheek and he looks away, takes a sudden, shaky breath.

"What are you saying?" I whisper.

"I love you, Ella. I love you more th—"

"Wow. You two seriously couldn't wait until we got back to base, huh? You couldn't spare my eyes?"

The sound of Kenji's voice pulls me suddenly, abruptly out of my head.

"wait for what?" I hear Elena ask from the seats in front of us.

She must have just woken up.

Kenji throws a thin airplane pillow at Warner. "You're welcome," he says.

"what did I miss?? can someone answer me please?" Elena asks again.

-*Elenas pov*-

Kenji whispers in my ear.

and when I realise Kenji ruined this moment, I look from Aaron and Juliette, to kenji, and my smile vanished.

"Kenny—why did you ruin this beautiful moment—" I say.

"you call that a beautiful moment?" He says looking at me stupidly.

"okay, it could have been done better, but—still—"

"you ruined it." I tell him upset.

Aaron chucks the pillow back without a word, he seems both shocked and angry, and he leans forward in his seat, his elbows balanced on his knees, the heels of his hands pressed against his eyes.

"You are a plague upon my life, Kishimoto."

"I said you're welcome."

Aaron sighs, heavily. "What I would give to snap your neck right now, you have no idea."

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