chapter 10

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"they're alive?!" I cry out to Aaron who is standing in front of me.

I cry because I'm so happy that Kenji, James, and some other people are still alive! Of course, a part of me still cares for those who died under the attack, it really isn't fair.

Aaron nods as I hug him as tight as I can. "I can't believe it!" I say wiping the tears away.

It's been a day since Aaron told me what happened at omega point, he told me today that Juliette went to stay with Kenji and the other people. I asked if I could see them, but he told me I may see them soon.

As I'm going to say something, there is something beeping in Aaron's pocket.

He looks panicked. "What's that?" I ask confused, but more curious.

"Juliette-" he says before walking fast over to the door.

"wait!! is Juliette ok??" I run after him, "can I come??"

he thinks about it, but not for long. "Fine, come on." He says and we're off.


Aaron drive us to this house, he helps me out of the tank and he almost run to the door.

He look worried, I really hope Juliette is alright.

"JULIETTE- Juliet- he says while opening the door-
Juliette spins around.

"are you okay? God— are you okay?" Aaron says.
I have never seen Aaron act like this to other people before, it makes me kind of happy.

He cups her face in his hands.

"Thank you" Juliette says.
"Thank you for coming—" she continues.

Poor Juliette..

Aaron wraps Juliette up in his arms, not caring about the eight sets of eyes watching them. One arm thigh around her waist, the other held to the back of her head.

Juliette's face is buried into Aaron's chest.

"What's wrong, love?" Aaron whispers.

She only blinks.

"Do you want me to take you back?" Aaron says.

She doesn't answer.

"Do you want us to leave?" He asks.
"No" she says quickly. "No"

"this is, by far, the craziest shit I have ever seen" kenji says, "I never would've believed it. Not in a million years."

"it's like a soap opera" A guy nods "but with worse acting"

"I think it's kind of sweet" another guys say.

It makes me giggle.

I look around the room, to find people staring at Aaron and Juliette.

All my attention was on the both of them, I didn't even notice the people I front of us.

"JAMES" I squeal as I run over to him. I throw my arms around his neck, " I didn't see you!" I say squeezing my eyes shut, smiling.

He hugs me tightly.

"I missed you so much, why did you leave??" He asks.

I let go.

"I'll tell you everything, not now though, I thought you were dead!" I tell him trying to push the memories from yesterday away.

before he even gets to say anything, I quickly turn around to see Kenji.
I run over to him, I almost tackle him to the ground. "hey there kiddo" he chuckles as he hugs me back.

Too young for warTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon