chapter 11

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i guess we are having guests at Aaron's training quarters very soon.

"I'm so excited!" James says happily.

"me too! imagine everything we can do together!" I say smiling. "maybe we can even have a sleepover!"


"I will be back tomorrow at fourteen hundred hours to guide you to your new quarters." I hear Aaron say.

"do you have your things?" He ask Juliette before giving me a look, gesturing for us to leave.

Juliette nods. "Good, let's go." Aaron says before I run to take his hand.

"bye James!" I say waving before we leave.

-*The next day*-

"no! I can't—I want to be there when they arrive!" I tell Aaron irritated.

He sighs.

It's been a day since I saw James and the others at his house. And I want to be at the training quarters when they all get here!

But Aaron wakes me up and tells me to shower, eat and then I can come down.

But I have to get dressed too, and my hair also has to dry!

"they will be there when you are done Elena, do as I say, take a shower and eat your food." He says not liking my behaviour, but I'm not the bad person right now.

he is.

"but—I also want to stay with Juliette as you get them!" I tell him.

"there will be plenty of time for you to get to know Juliette, stop being difficult."

"I'm not being difficult, I'm being real. I can take a shower later today." I tell him and he actually chuckles.

"get out" I tell him trying to push him to the door. I open the door and push him out of my room.


I shower as fast as I can, when I'm done I try finding something to wear.

This I have in common with Aaron. I love fashion and I'm very picky about what I wear.

Ever since I was one or so, Aaron made me help him pick out an outfit for myself.

But I probably just picked something I thought was interesting when I was just a baby, I don't think they have an opinion on clothes—

I find something to wear—
(comment what you imagine her wearing!)

and as I look in the mirror, I chose to wear the second outfit I'm trying. Then I brush my teeth and dry my hair with a hair dryer.

I ate as quick as I could before showering, which might explain the pain at the side of my stomach.

it only hurt when I walk though! Which is a little funny to me since I have to walk a lot.

right now Im picking up some drawing I made that fell from my night stand. I try to be quick, but when I put them back on the table they fall back down again.

I make a sound of irritation. I pick them up once again and lay them my desk over by the window instead.

I practically run from my desk to my door as soon as the drawing lay still, then I quickly put on my shoes and walk a little faster than normal to reach Aaron's bedrooms door.

I take the elevator down to the training quarters, and I try to spot James, but he is no where to be seen.

Of course he isn't, Adam probably refused to leave their house, and if Adam wont come, James wont ether.

"hey kiddo, you alright?" I hear Kenji say as i realise I was zoning out.

I look up at him and nod. "im fine, I just wish James was here.."

"me too, but I'll try my best to find a way to get them to come stay here with us, don't tell anyone though." He tells me with a small smile on his face.


we're all sitting on benches around the training room now. Aaron is sitting between me and Juliette and I can tell something happened between them.

She is making sure their shoulders isn't touching. I look away as soon as I hear Wintson says, "all right, so first things first, right?"

ive learned all their names now, Kenji told me them.

"We have to get Sonya and Sara back. The question is how." A pause. "We have no idea how to get to the supreme."

Everyone looks at Aaron.
Aaron looks at his watch.

"well?" Kenji says.
"Well, what?" Aaron says, bored.

I roll my eyes.

"Well, aren't you going to help us?" Ian snaps. "This is your territory."

Aaron looks at Juliette, "you are absolutely sure you trust these people?
He asks her. "All of them?"

"yes," she says quietly, "I really do."

"very well." Aaron takes a deep breath before addressing the group.
"My father" he says, "is on a ship. In the middle of the ocean."

"He's on a ship?" Kenji asks, surprised. "The capital is a ship?"

"not exactly." Aaron hesitates. "But the point is, we have to lure him here. Going to him will not work. We have to create a problem big enough for him to be forced to come to us."

Juliette nod, takes a deep breath and study everyone before speaking.

"I think we should take over sector 45."

Everyone seem to be too stunned to say anything.


Juliette has came up with an amazing plan for this, not that I'm allowed to be able to help, but it's still exciting!

Some of the others come up with arguments for why it may not work, but Juliette still has good reasons for her plan to work.

"i have a question.." I say, and everyone looks at me.

"is it possible to be able to sense danger.?" I ask looking over at castle.

Castle only looks at me, I notice he looks more interested, so I continue talking.

"it might be nothing, but some days before omega point was attacked," I say, "something was really bothering me. It felt like a warning, but I tried to push the though away." I tell them feeling a little stupid and guilty, it sounds weird to me for some reason

"I had a blurry dream too! About what happened at omega point. It was a loud noice, but for me even the sound was blurry, after that I woke up sweating and shaking, but I wasn't even scared." I tell them trying the make sense of it too.

"wow, if what you are telling us is true, and you can actually sense danger— you can be good help!" a guy with British accent says.

"absolutely not, she will not be helping us with this" Aaron says looking at the guy irritated.

the guy looks scared, and I feel stupid for even asking about the feeling.

"knowing your brother has abilities, you might have some as well-" Castle says with a kind smile, maybe he can read minds.? he may even have been able to sense my regret.

He look like a mind reader.

"I can help her practise" Kenji says with a smile.

"practise what? There is nothing to practise on if it isn't any danger." A girl says from beside him.

"then we'll make our own danger! You guys don't need to worry about anything, me and Elena will show you how it's done, right?" He says looking at me at the end.

I nod eagerly. this is actually exciting!

Not really proud of this chapter, but I felt bad for not posting yesterday, so I was quick to write this, there will hopefully be posted another chapter later today<33

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