Part 1: Setting Off | Simultaneous Elections

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Volume 4, START!

- Bokutotsu Zen'u


A certain day in 2030

70 km offshore from the Yawa Peninsula

Five years have passed since the unprecedentedly great event of the transference of Japan. Many Japanese immigrants and foreign residents have settled on the Yawa Peninsula, a new territory acquired as spoils of the Japanese-Altian War that took place about three months after the transference. Since the opening of commercial air lines between the Yawa Peninsula and the Japanese mainland, the exchange of people and goods between the Yawa Peninsula and the interior has been active. On this day, as usual, a commercial airliner was flying from Narita Airport to Makuteru City on the Yawa Peninsula, a Japanese overseas region. The group consisted of three men and two women.

"I wonder if we will be able to return home safely..." said a woman sitting by the window, asking a man sitting in the aisle seat next to her.

To her anxious look, the man, who was the leader of the group of five, pointed out the window and replied.

"Look... there is no pollution like plastic trash or chemicals floating in the oceans of this world. It's like a symbol of the cleanliness of this world itself. But this world is now being undermined. By those devils (Izumikawa Cabinet)... We must free this world at all costs from those who prey on it only for Japan's benefit... Do you understand?"

Those words are spoken in a gentle whisper.

"...Um. We are the righteous ones, we are going to save this world from the clutches of the Liberal National Party... wonderful."

The woman's face was ecstatic, and she was embraced by the leader of the group. Later, Hinomaru Airlines Flight 123 carrying them landed at Yawa Seido Airport.


April 1, 2031

A certain apartment in Kameido, Koto Ward, Tokyo, Japan

Detectives and police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department are searching a house. The owner of this house has been missing for about six months, and his relatives living in another prefecture have reported him missing. They are looking for clues as to his whereabouts.

"The missing person's name is Ryuji Kirioka... a junior at Keio University, currently on a leave of absence. He is an executive member of the 'Students' Union for Peace in Terralus,' commonly known as 'Teppeiren,' and has been seen participating in several student movements with the other four missing persons in social media posts."

One of the detectives explained the owner to a senior detective. The missing owner was a member of a so-called 'leftist political group,' and was a young man who had been active in anti-war demonstrations that were no longer being respected by public opinion.

"Kawahira-san... I found this in a drawer."

One of the forensic technicians discovered a suspicious note in the owner's drawer. He handed the note to a detective named Kawahira.

"What's this...?"

"This is in Wirenian language, isn't it?"

The note contained a short sentence in handwriting that Kawahira could not read. The forensic technician took a smartphone from his pocket and used a translation app to examine the contents of the note. The Japanese translation provided by the app contained the following short sentence.

ASAHI NO NISHISEI - Rising Sun Goes West (2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz