Challenge of Hopelessness

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Operations and Communications Room, United States Military Command, Eastern Yawa Peninsula

One AGM-86 ALCM launched from a B-52H Stratofortress headed toward the Laskant carrying the W80 thermonuclear warhead. The B-52Hs, which launched its nuke among 23 decoys, immediately turned their course and rapidly moved away from the hypocenter, the Laskant.

At that moment, a peculiarly shaped UAV was launched from a cylindrical object drifting on the sea surface nearby. It was an unmanned recon plane launched from a submarine's torpedo tube, flying toward the Laskant to gauge the effectiveness of the attack. The images captured by the recon drone were transmitted to the United States military command through the submarine, which was underwater.


Prime Minister Inaha, who was watching the images together with US President Robert Jefferson, had mixed feelings. The recon drone continued to show a group of ALCMs heading toward Laskant.

. . .

Flying City Laskant Bridge

After destroying Sactoa and announcing its statement to the entire world, Laskant had reached the sea area called Schwan Sea beyond Ricky Bathway Island, the largest island belonging to the Rotom Subcontinent. Their next target was the Shorteria-San Empire.

"We have visuals of objects approaching rapidly from three directions. Projecting."

A microcapsule flying ahead of the saucer detected 24 ALCMs fired from the B-52H Stratofortress bombers. An operator on the bridge projected the scene onto the screen.

"...Looks like flying spears (missile), though the shape is different. Where are the launchers?" His, one of the Secret Congregation's four leaders, asked the operator who operated the screen.

"We cannot see it in the vicinity. It seems to have been fired from outside a 1.000-league (700 km) radius from here," the operator replied.

His tilted his head at the enemy's sudden long-range attack.

"We will intercept with magic photon cannons."

The operator prepared the magic photon cannons to intercept the rapidly approaching ALCM swarm, just as he did when he shot down the F-35Cs.

"No... maximize the strength of the magic barrier!!"

Rugal, who had information about Japan in his mind, was alarmed that the enemy had launched an attack at such a long distance that the launcher could not be detected, and waited to intercept it. At his order, the operators increased the strength of the magic barrier covering the saucer. By collecting the maximum amount of magic power from the power chamber located in the center of the saucer and channeling it all into the defensive barrier, the strength was doubled, tripled... and so on.

. . .

Operations and Communications Room, United States Military Command, Eastern Yawa Peninsula

The ALCMs continued to head toward Laskant. American soldiers working at the military headquarters, President Robert, and PM Inaha watched the situation with bated breath. Finally, 24 ALCMs impacted the enemy barrier. A moment later, a huge explosion occurred.

"Good... we did it!"

The nuclear attack was a success, and Robert pumped his fist. A dazzling light filled the screen, followed by a huge roar. But the impact of the explosion cut off the image, and nothing could be seen on the screen.

"Attack effect unknown... restoring video feed immediately!"

The operator hurried to reconnect the image.

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