Part 1: Adventures in the Far West | The First Nightmate in 36 Years 1

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The first chapter is now available.

- Bokutotsu Zen'u


September 11, 2037, Before Dawn

Near an airfield on the outskirts of Zion, Seiren Kingdom, Seiren Island

After completing a patrol flight over the surrounding waters, a P-3C Orion landed at an airfield inland from the city of Zion, the new capital of this country. The P-3C Orion, the world's best-selling aircraft that had been in operation for more than half a century, had now been replaced by the P-1, a new patrol aircraft, and only a few aircraft procured in the latter stages remained in operation by Japan today. There is a disturbing figure staring at such a patrol plane. Their faces were hidden by reddish-brown cloaks, and their eyes, filled with hatred, were fixed on the P-3C.

"Those disgusting Japanese army! At last, we can give them a bloody nose!"

One of them, a middle-aged man, vented his hatred for the Self-Defense Forces based in the Seiren Kingdom. His name is Cecily Limbus, a young former general of the Seiren Kingdom, who was expelled from the military for being disrespectful in public to one of the commanders of the SDF, who was supposed to be the great benefactor who rescued this country from the occupation by the Altian Empire.

He was also surrounded by anti-Japanese militants who sympathized with him. They were alienated by the presence of the SDF, which had built a huge base on the outskirts of the capital, stationed in their country as if it were their own, and had eliminated the position of the Seirenian military. In the hands of Cecily and the others, they held a cylindrical object. They pointed one end of it at the P-3C Orion that had just landed.

"Take this... THIS IS OUR WRATH!"

They focused their irrational hatred on the cylinder. At the same moment that Cecily and the others channeled their magic power, a dazzling beam shot out from the end of the cylinder aimed at the P-3C. It went straight toward the moving patrol plane.

. . .

Runway on the airfield

After completing the patrol flight, the P-3C Orion was led to a hangar by the base maintenance crew. At that moment, the crew noticed a bright streak of light emanating from outside the base grounds. The beam hit the taxiing P-3C.


A moment later, the P-3C's right wing, which had just landed, suddenly exploded.

"W-what the!?"

The sound of the explosion echoed through the base and the surrounding area, and the red light from the flames of the explosion illuminated the buildings inside the base. The personnel was in an uproar over the sudden situation. Flames were shooting up from the right wing of the exploding Orion, where it ignited the fuel.

Zion Base Command Center, Seiren Kingdom

The base commander, Captain Josuke Ooba, who was working in the command center, was startled by the explosion that suddenly shook the windows and quickly exited the building with several of his subordinates. Their eyes caught sight of a gleaming, burning patrol plane.

"What happened!? Put out the fire now!"

"Sir! We have already dispatched fire engines!"

One of the soldiers, who had received the command from the commander, saluted and informed him of the current situation. A few seconds later, two bright red-colored chemical fire trucks appeared. They sprayed a large amount of water violently from the tips of their nozzles toward the P-3C, which was on fire. The fire was soon extinguished, leaving behind a P-3C Orion with some of its fuselage blackened.

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