Part 7: Japan | Guests with One or Two Quirks

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This is a bit short, but I will post it.

- Bokutotsu Zen'u


July 12

Niigata City West Port, Chubu Region

Overlooking the sea once called the Sea of Japan, the cruise liner Iwato Maru, which is on loan from the Japanese government, was entering the port of Niigata, one of the seven mainland ports and one foreign port that has flourished as a trading center since ancient times and have been designated as one of the international hub bay ports in modern times, and which has been opened as a trading port with other countries since coming to the new world. Outside the regulation line guarded by prefectural police, the press gathered with cameras at the ready. At the moment the guests appeared, the sound of shutters and flashing lights echoed incessantly.

The members of the Altian Empire Election Observation Team, who were walking in the lead, looked a bit surprised, but since they had been informed of the presence of the press in advance by the bureaucrats who were guiding them, they smiled and waved back at the cameras that turned in their direction. Following them in the lead were the members of the observation teams from the Seira Kingdom on the Rotom Subcontinent, and the Kingdoms of Ilamania, Mystania, and Kisan on the Northaroia Island.

The guests coming down the ramp to the ship were greeted by nearly 30 people, including Taketsugu Urashima, Governor of Niigata Prefecture, Kaneto Majima, Mayor of Niigata City, and other prefectural government officials and city hall employees.

"To the election observation delegations of the Altian Empire, the Seira Kingdom, the Ilamania Kingdom, the Mystania Kingdom, and the Kisan Kingdom... welcome to Niigata... and to Japan! My name is Taketsugu Urashima, and I am the Governor of Niigata Prefecture."

Urashima shook hands and welcomed the representatives of each delegation as they line up side by side. He pointed to five buses parked nearby and explained his plans for the day ahead.

"We will take you to your lodgings by those buses. I am sure you must be tired from your long trip. We are scheduled to leave for the capital city of Tokyo by Shinkansen bullet train from Niigata Station at 11:32 Japan time the next day, so we hope that you will be able to relax here in Niigata Prefecture tonight after your long journey."

Urashima then asked the delegation members from various countries to board the bus. Some were accustomed to this, while others were very puzzled as they boarded the transportation provided by the Japanese government.

'It's amazing to see it again and again... they say this isn't the capital...'

Empress Savia I, the representative of the Altian Empire's election observation delegation, sighed, overwhelmed by the sight of Niigata from the port. Even for a woman who has been to Japan many times, the cityscape of that city is inspiring in every sense of the word.

The next day, after an overnight stay at a hotel, they departed for Tokyo, the capital of Japan, on the Joetsu Shinkansen E4 Series chartered by the Japanese government.


July 14

Kagoshima City Port, Kyushu Region

Starting with the arrival of the Iwato Maru carrying delegations from five countries, including the Altian Empire, delegations from various countries have been arriving in Japan one after another, and to date, delegations from 16 countries have already left for or arrived in Tokyo. And here in Kagoshima City, the cruise liner Suruga was also in port with guests from other countries. Sakurajima, once a world-class active volcano, has been completely silent since six years ago when the transference occurred because the supply of magma from the underground mantle was cut off. The last of the guests were now setting their feet down in the harbor overlooking this slightly desolate symbol.

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