VOL. 5 - Settings and Documents

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Sino-Japanese military clash off Senkaku Islands

A military clash that took place off the Senkaku Islands in January 2019. It was triggered by an attack on the Japan Coast Guard by armed Chinese ships and their landing on the Senkaku Islands, and later developed into a battle between the People's Liberation Army Navy and the Maritime Self-Defense Force. After the US Forces Japan entered the battle, the PLAN immediately retreated, and it is said that it was a kind of performance by the Chinese Communist Party to suppress the discontent and distrust of the Chinese people, which was amplified by the stalling economy, or that it was the sole decision of the Nanjing Military Region. However, Japan could not ignore the damage by the ship-to-surface missile attack on some of the inhabited islands in the Nansei Islands, resulting in civilian casualties, and public opinion in Japan rapidly shifted to the right, prompting the Japanese government to move to strengthen the Self-Defense Forces and to amend the Constitution.


East Asia War (World War III)

In December 2019, the Chinese Civil War broke out, triggered by the revolt of the Shenyang Military Region, which was not satisfied with the outcome of the military clash between Japan and China off the Senkaku Islands. In November 2022, the New People's Democratic Republic of China (commonly known as New China, the military government of the PLA that rebelled against the Chinese government), which took Beijing from the People's Republic of China, was established, and along with its ally North Korea, declared war on neighboring countries (Vietnam, the Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea). It was later called World War III.

After Beijing was taken, the CCP fled to Chengdu and Tibet, where they established the Chengdu Provisional Central Government. They resisted using nuclear warheads stored in Tibet as a deterrence.

At the end of the war, India, Russia, and Mongolia entered the war against the New China, and the New China surrendered in January 2024. The East Asia War ended with North Korea's surrender in March 2024. The defeat led to the collapse of the New People's Democratic Republic of China and the return of the CCP to power. In exchange for reconstruction aid, the CCP agreed to the demands of the victorious nations, including the downsizing of the People's Liberation Army, the stationing of a multinational force, and international joint control of its nuclear weapons.


Japanese Constitution, Self-Defense Forces

In the wake of the Sino-Japanese military clash off the Senkaku Islands in January 2019 and the Chinese Civil War that broke out in December 2019, Article 9, Section 2 of the Constitution was amended.

As a result, the raison d'etre of the SDF was changed, and it was officially established as Japan's "military". As for the name of the SDF, since many people in Japan are attached to the name "SDF," the name "SDF/Japanese Armed Forces" is usually used in combination in official situations in Japan. The English translation is "Japan Armed Forces". It is also common to use the old and new rank styles in the same sentences.


Domestic media, political parties

In January 2019, China actually took military action against Japan, and the innovative domestic media, political parties, and civic groups that had been promoting the Chinese threat as a fiction lost their appeal with the public. From 2019 onward, conservative and right-wing media and political parties will gain overwhelming support from the public.

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