Invisible Stowaway

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Although it is not explained in the story, vampires in this world usually die if they suffer brain damage. However, since they can also use their bodies to ward off physical attacks, it is extremely difficult to damage them in melee combat other than by surprise. On the other hand, under the sun, they are almost the same as ordinary people.

They may look invincible, but analyze them calmly, and you will find them weaker than Dio Brando. That guy is too much of a cheat that he doesn't die even when his brain is cut in half or when he is reduced to a head.

- Bokutotsu Zen'u


May 23

On board the container freighter Seal Trump

The Seal Trump, which left the city of Lucinia in the Elmstacia Empire, was sailing through the Great Southern Ocean toward its next destination, the city of Seve in the Johan Republic... or not, for it was anchored at sea. There is a locked room on board the ship. In that room, a stowaway was detained. A girl sat nervously in a chair, surrounded by three Public Security Police officers and two ship's officers.

"So... why are you here?"


When asked by Jindo why she had broken into the ship, Liliane's face is downcast without saying anything. The sailors who were watching her scratched their heads with a sigh. They had asked Jindo, who was acquainted with the stowaway, to interrogate her.

"We are about to return to our posts... If you learn anything, please let us know."

With that, the two sailors left the room. The three public security police officers and the stowaway were left in a temporary detention room.


After they had left, Liliane still kept her face down without saying anything. Numbly, Riyoshi crouched down on the floor and peered upward at Liliane's face, which was hidden by her hair.

"...If you don't say anything, we will hand you over to the Elmstacian Navy. If you have a reason, just say it."


Liliane did not react to Riyoshi's gentle tone of voice. Riyoshi and Hiraide were at their wit's end, not knowing what to do. There was a mute silence in the room.

"...Would you two excuse yourselves? I want to talk to this girl one-on-one."

It was Jindo who threw a wrench into the heavy atmosphere of the room. He thought the situation with three adults surrounding them was bad and asked Hiraide and Riyoshi to leave the room.

"...This girl seems to know you, so maybe it's for the best."

"Sure... then, please take good care of her, Jindo-san."

Hiraide and Riyoshi nodded at his suggestion. The two then left the room, leaving Jindo in charge of the situation, and Jindo, left alone, looked down at Liliane in her chair and asked her the same questions as before.

"Hey... why did you get on this ship? Did you know where you were going?"

Jindo asked in a bewildered voice, but calm enough not to leak it out. He was looking at the stowaway with this thought in his mind. But, whether it is because the number of people around her has decreased and she feels a little more relaxed, or whether there is some other reason, Liliane looked up for the first time and meets Jindo's gaze.

"I-I just wanted to see the world...! I-I wanted to go with you!"


Jindo was perplexed at the answer she gave.

ASAHI NO NISHISEI - Rising Sun Goes West (2)Where stories live. Discover now