Part 5: After the War | Days Soon After the War

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February 20

Tokyo, Japan

Two days after the end of the epic battle, images from the street TVs showed a news helicopter flying over the silenced Laskant. Others could be seen flying SH-60K Seahawk patrol helicopters of the Maritime Self-Defense Force. The City Saucer, which crashed on the bottom of the Genkai Sea, had not all disappeared into the sea, and the upper structure had not sunk completely, but was still visible above the sea surface.

"The devil's ark, which had terrorized the entire world, was completely destroyed by the onslaught of the Self-Defense Forces, and fell into the sea! This event will be etched in the history of this world as an unforgettable and glorious achievement, and the SDF members will be honored as heroes!"

The defeat of the City Saucer, the capture of the enemy leaders, and the victory of Japan will be broadcasted throughout Japan via all media and networks. The people of Japan were intoxicated by their victory over the great evil that wanted to conquer the entire world. The victory celebration would continue throughout the country for some time to come. The downing of the saucer was reported worldwide by the World Magic Telecommunications Company, whose headquarters had been destroyed, and the words "Victory of Japan" and "Hero of the World" were carried around the world on the sea breeze.

The screen shifted to the press conference room of the Prime Minister's Office, where Tatsuo Miyajima, Chief Cabinet Secretary, is shown. Amidst numerous flashing lights, Miyajima delivered a speech.

"I assure you that our peace-loving justice will not be tarnished. Let us affirm that the nation of Japan has been immortal since the time of the gods 2.700 years ago."

Having survived the invasion of the Mongols in ancient times, the Second World War, the East Asia War, and then the Terralus-Elmerand War... the Japanese people were more excited and aware than ever before, and the national prestige of Japan in Terralus was at its peak. However, the cost of the war was too great, with more than 8.000 Self-Defense Forces and police personnel killed in action, and nearly 12.000 civilians killed as a result of the man-made disasters caused by the forced evacuation operations. The indiscriminate attacks by Elmerand itself caused the deaths of up to 30 million people worldwide.

"But we have sacrificed too much in this struggle. We must not forget that. No one can erase that past, but we who have stood because of that sacrifice have the duty to make the future bright. That is our destiny!"

Every time Miyajima made a gesture, a wave of flashing lights erupted. The information issued by the news media was all about the war victory.


World Magic Telecommunications Company Temporary Headquarters, Ringual, Ephoroi Republic

In Ringual, the capital of the Ephoroi Republic that was destroyed by the Laskant, citizens who had evacuated to the suburbs have returned, and barrack huts built by them stand side by side at the site of the capital. At the site of the World Magic Telecommunications Company headquarters, a temporary headquarters was also being built by the employees.

"Miss President! We have a draft of the paper to be published worldwide."

Blauer Stuart Philinogen, the young 22-year-old president of the company, received the paper and looked over its contents. The headline reads, "The Victory of Japan and the Future of the World." It is no exaggeration to say that Japan saved the world with this one event, but what effect will it have on Terralus?

'After this, it is certain that the world will be centered around Japan... we must keep a close eye on the future trends of the world and leave them in the history books."

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