92nd Year's Decision

306 14 7

Sky off the coast of Lebameno Federation

Commander Yamashita, who has been fleeing from the saucers, is desperately trying to outmaneuver the three saucers that were tracking him. Next to him, an F-35C piloted by Ensign Shigeru Sakai is flying alongside. On the way, Yamashita radioed the flagship Akagi.

"This is Yamashita! We are currently being tracked by three enemy planes! We will be returning to the fleet shortly, but don't worry about us and use the ESSM to destroy the enemy!"

Yamashita asked them to intercept the small saucers that were tracking them. If they can't drive away the enemy, they can't return to the fleet anyway.


Akagi's radio operator replied shortly. Immediately afterward, a series of ESSMs was fired from the Myōkō's missile cells. They received terminal guidance from the AN/SPG-62 fire control radar, avoided the friendly F-35Cs, and hit the small saucers.



At that moment, Yamashita noticed something unusual. For some reason, the magic barrier that was supposed to cover the small saucers did not seem to engage, and the ESSMs hit the saucer's fuselage. The three small saucers were hit by the missiles and fell into the sea in pieces.

'What the hell!? Then why the Sidewinders didn't work back then!?'

Yamashita looked at the destroyed saucers with confusion. However, they succeeded in eliminating the pursuing enemy, and the two F-35Cs he and Ensign Sakai were piloting landed safely on the angled deck.

Flagship Akagi

From the F-35Cs parked on the flight deck, two survivors of the air combat, Commander Yamashita and Ensign Sakai, came down. The two men, both severely exhausted, returned to the ship with the help of the maintenance crew.

"Welcome back!"

Commander Tadashi Bando, who served as the ship's vice-captain, welcomed the two soldiers. Yamashita and Sakai returned his salute.

"...What's the current situation?" Yamashita asked.

"We attacked them with Standard ERAMs, but it didn't work at all. There is nothing we can do to stop them..." Bando replied with a downcast look on his face.

There was nothing more they could do now that they had run out of options. There was nothing else they could come up with but to use the 'forbidden weapon'.

Flagship Akagi Bridge

Just then, the navigators, who were monitoring the sea from the bridge, spotted something glowing over the horizon.

"W-what the... what is that!?" one of the navigators exclaimed.

The captain of the ship, Masuda, also saw it. The green glow they discovered instantly turned into a huge beam and attacked the sea where the City Saucer Interception Fleet was located. Immediately after that, huge explosions occurred one after another centered on the point of impact of the light.


Blasts and flames shattered the glass of the bridge windows, and the crews inside were mercilessly attacked. Not only the Akagi, but other vessels suffered similar damage. The impact bent, crushed, and punctured the ship's hull, and seawater poured in. The Akagi was no longer seaworthy.

"T-the ship was attacked by the saucer... a-all hands, abandon ship—AAAAH!"

The ship's announcements about the situation turned to noise after the final screams. The Akagi, the first full-fledged aircraft carrier that Japan possessed after the war, disappeared into the raging sea as a result of the explosion.

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