Baton From the Future to the Past

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Most things are already known from Nagahachirou's dialogue, including the Volume 4, but please consider this as a review of all the events that have appeared so far. All of the milestones are finally beginning to show their significance.

- Bokutotsu Zen'u


February 14

Washington, D.C., United States of America, Eastern Yawa Peninsula

Two days after the battle over the Japanese territory of Makuteru, a ceremony was held to mourn the lives of nearly 100 soldiers who gave their blood and sweat to defend the homeland they had won.

"A moment of silence for the proud and brave men and women who died with honor!"

President Robert Jefferson's words were followed by a moment of silence as the participants closed their eyes in unison. Among those in attendance were Air Force Lieutenant General Martin Calvin, the head of the US Armed Forces, and other senior military officers, as well as Defense Minister Kengo Kuraba, who had been sent by the Japanese government. However, the main reason for Kuraba's visit to the United States was not to pray for the war dead, but to inspect the "baton passed down from the future" that suddenly appeared from the northern sky.

Harbor, Washington, D.C.

On February 12, the US military, which had thrown itself into the fray, had succeeded in first clearing the atmosphere of the City Saucer by the intervention of the flying battleship. However, the cost was the loss of more than 60 fighter planes and nearly 100 soldiers.

And now, the Fusō, which barged into the battle, was anchored in the port of Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States. With an overall length of 517,7 meters, she was larger than that of the US Navy's Nimitz-class aircraft carriers. Minister of Defense Kuraba and his men, who had been dispatched from Japan, looked up at the sight of the Fusō berthing at the wharf.

"...Welcome to the Fusō, sir!"

They were greeted by Lieutenant Junior Grade Yuki Kobayashi, formerly an officer of the aircraft carrier Akagi, who now served aboard the Fusō. He is one of the 300-odd survivors of the sinking Akagi.

"The captain... Captain Bando is waiting for you on the first bridge. I will escort you there."

"...Thank you."

Kobayashi and Kuraba shook hands with each other. After that, Kuraba and the others ascended the ramp from the port and boarded the Fusō.

Flying Battleship Fusō, First Bridge

After descending the elevator from below deck, Kuraba and his men were confronted with a scene that resembled the interior of a space battleship in a science fiction cartoon, complete with futuristic instruments and screens.


Kuraba and his subordinates looked around in amazement at the scene. A man approached them.

"I am Captain Tadashi Bando, captain of the Fusō."

The captain of the Fusō is Tadashi Bando, who had once served as the vice-captain of the Akagi. He succeeded the Akagi's captain, Masuda, who was killed in action.

"Ah, hello. I congratulate you all on your survival and return."

Kuraba firmly grasped the hand offered by Bando.

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