Part 6: The Day the Miracle Happens | Our Planet

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France wins!

- Bokutotsu Zen'u


May 15, 2039

Mitaka Campus, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Mitaka City, Tokyo

A staff member was looking through the 50 cm public telescope. Ahead of him was the image of a comet with a bluish-white tail.

"Fukaya-Iinuma Comet... a short-period comet with an orbital period of 15 years."

Akio Maruta, a Mitaka Campus staff member, was looking at a new comet that was discovered for the first time in this world. It is called Fukaya-Iinuma Comet, after the two comet hunters who discovered it. The discovery of this comet caused a bit of a stir in the media because calculations of its orbit revealed that it would be very close to Terralus.

"Maruta-san... I have found the date and time of the last time Fukaya-Iinuma Comet made a close approach to Terralus."

Maruta looked on through the telescope as his junior colleague brought the calculation results to him. Based on the orbit of the Fukaya-Iinuma Comet, they listed the dates when the comet will or has approached Terralus.

"The last closest approach... was on September 4, 2025, and the next one will be on February 11, 2040."

"National Foundation Day, huh..."

The National Foundation Day is the day when the first Emperor of Japan, Emperor Jimmu, ascended to the throne and the nation of Japan began. Maruta felt the date was fateful.


May 20

Shibuya Ward, Tokyo

About a year after the end of the battle against Elmerand, the world was rebuilding. Japan's economy was in a temporary downturn due to the destruction of many of its overseas bases, but the economy is now recovering somewhat thanks to special reconstruction demand. The leaders of countries that had evacuated to Japan from around the world had already returned to their own countries to take charge of reconstruction.

"The Japanese government had decided to provide 60 billion yen, or 200.000 yurou in local currency, in official development assistance to the Crossnellyard Empire, and Prime Minister Philose, who had come to Japan from his country, expressed his gratitude at a meeting with Foreign Minister Kurusu, saying, 'On behalf of His Majesty the Emperor, I would like to thank the Japanese government and people for their great kindness and consideration.' In addition..."

The newscaster's voice came over the street TV. The Japanese government has been providing official development assistance, or loans, to affected countries under the guise of assisting postwar reconstruction. Among those looking up at the street TVs are not only Japanese, but also Terralusian humans and demi-humans who have officially acquired Japanese citizenship as immigrants.

"Are you sure you want to do this? This is Tokyo... the world's largest entertainment city. It is rare to find a foreigner visiting this city who does not play in the casinos."

Two catgirls visiting Japan are talking to a girl who is also a demi-human. The girl had come to Japan alone from the Elmstacia Empire just before the whole saucer fiasco occurred, and she was looking for two Japanese. She has pointed ears, eye-catching blonde hair, and eyes as beautiful as jewels. At the first glance, she looked like the 'elves.'

"You're right... but I have something I want to do."

With that, the elven girl left the place and disappeared into the crowd. The condition of the people living in Japan had returned to what it was before the saucer incident. Combined with the fact that the mainland was not directly attacked, the battle with Elmerand was already fading from people's memories.


Underground in the Far North's undeveloped region, Rotom Subcontinent

In the far north of the world, there is a landmass called the Rotom Subcontinent. There is an area of the landmass that is covered with perpetual snow, and the people living on this land call this region "the undeveloped area in the far north." However, after the Japanese government's resource exploitation efforts led to the construction of a railroad connecting the rich gold deposits in the area to the port of the Lebameno Federation, traffic between the undeveloped areas and the inhabited coastal areas began to flow, and the gold ore mined from the area has generated tremendous wealth.

It was known that there was a large cavern beneath this undeveloped region, and although an investigation of the interior of the cavern was once conducted, the investigation was quickly terminated due to the difficulties involved, and the Japanese government looked into this large underground cavern after that. Later, it was revealed that a relic from the future has laid dormant inside.


And now, there is a figure in the underground cavern, which should be empty. It was a woman. She was looking up at a large hole in the ceiling of the cavern. Sunlight was shining through the hole, which extended all the way to the ground.

"The ship that should have been here being not here..."

At the same time, the woman noticed that something that should have been stored here in ice was missing. It was a huge warship that she had received from a group of people 500 years ago. Captained by none other than Yojiro Tomofumi, the ancestor of the Tomofumi family who now rules the Margraviate of Cusdate in the Crossnellyard Empire, and after 500 years, it was launched by the crew of the Akagi which happened to wash up here to save the world.

"Someone found it...? This is not good."

The woman bit her thumbnail and looked agitated. At that moment, a faint light appeared near her ear and whispered something to her.

"...The Japanese?"

The woman's eyes widened in surprise. At the same time, she had reached a point. There was no way that native Terralusians could operate that ship. If there was such a possibility, only they, with their isolated scientific civilization, could do it. The large hole leading to the ground was opened by the crew of the Akagi with the ship's gunfire in order to get the Fusō out to the sky.


At that moment, she heard another word. It was the same voice she had heard when she became the Apostle of God, a voice from a being who resides in a higher plane of existence, in other words, a 'revelation' from God.

"That star is approaching...? Then... so that's how God is going to do it. He's going to return everything."

Soon after, the communication with the higher being ended. The woman sighed and ordered the pale light floating around her, that is, the group of spirits of sailors who have sunk into the sea.

"I'm sorry to disturb you so soon after your return, but I'm sending out the flagship of the Ghost Fleet. Prepare to sail to Japan!"

At the woman's command, the spirits of the sailors that had been surrounding her dispersed at once.

"We must warn the Japanese government... now!"

The woman who gave the order also hurried the ship to depart. Later that day, the flagship of the Ghost Fleet, which is based in this underground cavern, set sail for a faraway land in the east. The leader of this fleet, Geral Gartrona, also known as the "Farthest Witch" or the "Witch of the Far North," is the legendary figure who has been passed down through the generation of sailors.

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