Meeting the Dogs in Beginteria

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June 6

Sea off the city of Beginteria, Southern Crossnellyard Empire

The port of Beginteria, the capital of the Margraviate of Beginteria, has a good number of trading ships coming and going, although not as many as in Seve. Among them, a sailing ship flying the flag of the Johan Republic can be seen. On the deck, sailors and passengers are looking at the approaching land of Beginteria. Among them is a Japanese man and woman who were not supposed to be here.

"We are here at last... it's been a long time, Shigeno."

The Japanese man spoke to the woman standing next to him. The Japanese woman, who was called Shigeno, looked to be deeply moved.

"Yes, really..."

Rinka Shigeno leaned against the body of the Japanese man, Ryuji Kirioka, and uttered a line that evokes a sense of melancholy. She and Kirioka's minds were filled with the faces of the three friends they had lost in the Johan Republic.

"We can't afford to spare those who have passed away..."

As they gazed at the port of Beginteria with various thoughts in their minds, they heard words of warning and looked in the direction of the voice to see the hooded figure of a Terralusian man.

"I know! More importantly, is it true, what you said about the sword?"

Kirioka, who was unexpectedly interrupted in his sentimental state, put on a grim expression and said bluntly.

"Of course, of course. As long as you can get that sword, the victory in Japan will be yours," the hooded man replied with a smirk.

Kirioka and Shigeno looked at him with mixed emotions. This man is the one who contacted the leftist student political group Students' Union for Peace in Terralus, of which Kirioka is the leader, and led the five of them to this point, as well as the mage who has supported them along the way. He identified himself as an Arabannese named Hassamud Ahari. But this is a false identity, and Kirioka and his friends are completely unaware of his true identity.

"Oh man... thank you very much, Mr. Hassamud!"

A voice called out the mage's false name. The voice belonged to a sailor man, who approached Hassamud while rubbing his hands.

"Thanks to you as a Wind Master, we were able to arrive at Beginteria much earlier than expected. It will only be a short while, so... can I ask for your help once more?"

The sailor man asked Hassamud to make the wind blow. The other sailors and passengers looked at him expectantly.

"My magic power is almost completely restored, no problem," he said and raised his staff to the sky.

'O wind, use my power to push this ship!'

Hassamud raised his staff to the sky, and in his heart, he recited an incantation. Then a strong wind started to blow from somewhere and began to push the ship they were on. The magic power in his body was converted into the wind. All the sails on the mast were puffed up by the wind. With the help of magic, the ship gained more than twice its normal speed and soon reached its destination, the port of Beginteria.

. . .

Beginteria Harbor Wharf

Proceeding over the planks from the ship's deck to the pier, Kirioka, Shigeno, and Hassamud finally landed in Beginteria. Seeing the port city they had reached after more than six months of travel, Kirioka felt something deep inside.

"After all this time, there is only a little more to go... I will take you to Arabanne by air," Hassamud said and pointed to the "thing" he was carrying on his back.

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