Intermission | Lily's Holiday

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June 3

Container freighter Seal Trump

The sea breeze blowing from the ocean goes through my hair as I stand on the deck. The sea breeze feels really good under the brilliant sun. Until about two weeks ago, I couldn't imagine being on the ocean. I don't know about that, but I am now far away from my hometown, traveling the world with kind people.

My name is Liliane Wilzo Kimmerstiel and everyone close to me calls me Lily. I was born in a rather large country called the Elmstacia Empire. It is also known as the "Demi-Human Empire," and I am not human. I am an elf.

But that's about all I know about myself. I have very little memory of my real parents. When I found out, I was picked up by a traveling troupe of actors called the Macrohoi Troupe. As an orphan, I was raised by the previous head of the troupe. Kimmerstiel, by the way, was the name written on the clothes I was wearing when I was picked up. Wilzo is the name I got from the previous leader, Macrohoi Wilzo. Although we were from different races, he loved me like a real daughter, and all the members of the troupe were kind to me, so I was very happy.

But... after the new head of the troupe, the Macrohoi Troupe was not what I knew. My good friends left me and new members came in to replace them. The new leader was evil, stealing from the customers with a Gorgon woman who came in from somewhere. The new troupe members were glad to help this leader. It was so hard for me to see the Macrohoi Troupe, which I loved so much, turn out like this, I couldn't stand it...

I don't know if it was because of this, but one evening I slipped out into the city alone. I was hungry after walking around aimlessly, so I went into a restaurant to get something to eat. I had just finished eating... and was about to return to my tent when a dogman grabbed my arm. I tried to escape, but the man's arm was so strong that I could not get away.

"...Lily, there you are. What are you doing just standing there, thinking?"

"Ah, Mister Jakyu!"

Yes... it was Mr. Jakyu Jindo who helped me at that time, who just talked to me. I didn't really know how he did it, but he is a great man who threw that dogman over his shoulders.

"It's nice to get out in the sea breeze, but be careful not to catch a cold."

After saying this, Mr. Jakyu went back into the cabin. It seems he was worried about my health. He was like a really kind knight, just like when he saved me... He welcomed me after I stowed away on this ship without thinking twice. Surely Mr. Jakyu is right, it's getting a bit cold. Let's go back to the ship.

At first, I was really surprised, but the ships in Japan are as big as a mansion. But I was also told not to wander around too much... too bad. I should go back to the cabin. That room is very spacious for just me. I wonder if it's all right for them to treat me so well.



I shouldn't have... I was walking down the aisle thinking and bumped into someone. I bowed my head and apologized.

"Hm... be careful."

The person I bumped into was Mr. Michitaka. He went away quickly, having something to do... smoking, maybe. But, Japan is a country with a strange custom that cigarettes are only allowed in designated areas, isn't it?

As for that person... Mr. Michitaka Hiraide, I have not talked to him as much as Mr. Jakyu, and I honestly don't know what kind of a person he is. I wonder if he dislikes me... although Mr. Jakyu said he doesn't hate me. I was also a bit concerned that he was quieter than usual and seemed to be sick.

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