The Battle of Politicians

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July 18

In front of Jiyugaoka Station, Meguro Ward (Tokyo Metropolitan Election District), Tokyo

A large number of ward residents gathered around a campaign car parked in front of Jiyugaoka Station. Around the area were banners with the name "Liberal National Party" written on them, and the eyes of the ward residents were focused on one man standing on top of the campaign car.

"I would like to thank all of you who have gathered here today in this hot weather from the bottom of my heart. Hello, I am Kojiro Izumikawa. Truly, I thank you... from the bottom of my heart!"

Standing on top of the campaign car was Izumikawa, the current Prime Minister. He was in Jiyugaoka to make a speech in support of Gouki Marutani and Hajime Kato, two candidates running for the Tokyo Metropolitan Election.

"Thank you, ma'am with the leopard motif there! Thank you, brother on the balcony, for coming to this place! And thanks for coming too, gentlemen over there! And—"

Izumikawa pointed out each person in the audience and thanked them for coming to hear his speech.

Hodgkin Riedsternberg, a representative of the Attia Kingdom election observation delegation who was watching from the bus, was in a kind of awe at the bizarre scene.

"Mister Kojiro is the head of the government, right? And yet, he is humbling himself to the people..."

"That's because that's what 'sovereignty of the people' means. The people play a leading role in elections... and it is only natural that you cannot become a member of the Diet without their support."

Kisaragi Miyashiro, the bureaucrat in charge of guiding them, explained to Hodgkin, who was looking at Izumikawa through the window, in a matter-of-fact manner. The other members of the delegation, most of whom are from aristocratic backgrounds, looked on in disbelief when they saw Izumikawa bowing repeatedly to the general public.

Izumikawa, unaware of the presence of the observers, continued his speech of support.

"Speaking of Jiyugaoka, it is famous for the Goddess Festival, isn't it...!? Marutani-san, who is here, seems to have visited the festival several times. I have also wanted to visit the festival several times since I was a member of the Diet, but never got the chance... if any of the committee members are here, I'd like to ask you for one thing... please!"

The talk, which included local stories, delighted the audience, and a friendly atmosphere spread around the venue. After that, the speech, which began as a chat, gradually moved on to the main topic.

"Now, speaking of goddess... there is a goddess who is very important to us and whom we hope will smile upon us. She is the Goddess of Victory. For us, the voters who cast their votes are the goddesses of victory. However, there are those who are so brazen as to tell such goddesses what is or is not true, and that is the opposition parties...!"

Izumikawa's speech began with criticism of the opposition party, and nearly 400 people in the audience listened to his words.

"In the past ten years, our country has been hit by wars after wars: two since we moved to this other world, and three if you include the East Asian War. Our government and the Self-Defense Forces have done their utmost to fight off these threats to the lives of our citizens, sometimes losing their lives in the process, while protecting our country. I once stood up at a press conference with dark circles under my eyes, and even the headline in a weekly magazine read, 'How Long Does the Prime Minister Have to Live!?' Just for the record, I am extremely healthy!"

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