Les Trois Mousquetaires at Dusk

341 11 7

May 7

Near Spring-Autumn Inn, Downtown Ringual

The sun was soon to set, and two Japanese men were heading homeward with long shadows on their faces, unable to hide their joy. Michitaka Hiraide and Jakyu Jindo were on their way back to their lodgings after having finished their interviews in the city. Naturally, they were very careful not to be followed, and while dressed in local costumes, they kept their faces covered as much as possible. However, since Hiraide originally had a Western-ish face, he was not often looked at with curious eyes as long he was careful about what he wore. Furthermore, the trench coat he usually wears is not particularly conspicuous, and is considered "a little unusual" in the local sense of the word.

'...I didn't expect they were heading further west, but what was their purpose?'

Hiraide and Jindo went to the building of the city's traders' association, where they obtained some promising testimony. In addition to the five Japanese who had disappeared, a group of six people, including a mysterious foreigner, had asked them about the location of Beginteria City. That was about two months ago. They did not know whether they had come by land or sea, but there was no doubt that they were headed for Beginteria, a port city located far west of here.

"We will finally be able to make a good report to the Security Bureau. Tomorrow, she will be the president... and we will contact the Self-Defense Forces in the Japanese concession of Miket Tirith, and everything will be OK..."

"As long as the missing Japanese are no longer in town, there is no need for us to be in this country, and we will say goodbye to this city tomorrow... When it comes down to it, I'm kind of sad to leave..."

Jindo and Hiraide thought casually as they made their way toward the inn. However, a few minutes later, as they neared the inn, an unbelievable sight met their eyes.

"What the...!?"

An unfamiliar carriage was parked in front of the inn. Two men were trying to load the rolled-up carpets one by one into the back of the carriage. But they did not miss the familiar "shoes" and "skinny hands" sticking out of the end of the carpet. Jindo and Hiraide, who instantly recognized the person wrapped in carpets without looking directly at them, inserted their right hands into their pockets and shouted angrily at the men who had abducted Riyoshi and Blauer and were leaving the scene.

"You, what the hell are you doing!?"

"...! Oh, shit!"

The men, noticing their shouting, hurriedly stuffed the two women into the wagon, got into the carriage themselves, pulled the reins of the horses, and started riding off in the blink of an eye. Hiraide pulled the Beretta from his pocket and pointed it at the axle of the carriage, but he could not pull the trigger because there was no guarantee that the two kidnapped women would be unharmed by dropping the wheels of the carriage, which was already in motion.


Hiraide started running with all his might, chasing after the carriage that was leaving in front of him. Jindo sent a message to Private Joseph, who was supposed to be guarding Blauer with Riyoshi.

. . .

Spring-Autumn Inn Corridor

"...in! Hey, Private Joseph! Come in!"


From his right ear, he heard a familiar voice trying to wake him up. Joseph, somewhat dazed, opened both eyelids and managed to answer while touching the surface of the voice.

"Y-yes... What's happening, sir?"

Joseph dreamily answered Jindo's voice coming from the micro transceiver attached to his right ear.

ASAHI NO NISHISEI - Rising Sun Goes West (2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora