Interlude 6 - Slephen's Power

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October 26

Migasaki, Off the coast of Himukai Province

Three firebirds carrying the members of the Inujin Shinobi returned to the fleet of the Royal Court Navy, which was heading for Migasaki, the main capital of Himukai Province. Nagahachirou's group, which had been heading for Tsuruta Castle, the main castle of the Shimanami family, had succeeded in bringing back Koma-hime, the daughter of the Monoue family.

"We are here, Koma-hime!"

Nagahachirou landed the firebird he was riding on the flagship of the naval commander Yamamoto Kanbei Isohachi. He then lowered Monoue Koma, who was straddling the firebird, holding onto his back, onto the deck of the ship.

"I am Yamamoto Kanbei Isohachi, Admiral of the Royal Court Navy. The king has instructed me to take you to the capital city Ashiwara. However... I have other things to accomplish, so I must ask you to wait for a moment."

The commander of the deployed unit, Kanbei, kneeled before Koma-hime as she stepped onto the ship and told her of his identity and plans for the rest of the day.

"I am aware of your purpose in coming here. You are here to suppress the Izumiin family's rebellion."

Koma, who had been held captive by the tyrant Shimanami Jigannokami Tadahisa at Tsuruta Castle, was aware of the disturbances that had been taking place on the Chintou Island and the actions of the Royal Court in response.

"Yes, that is correct. Therefore, you will stay on board for a few days until the war is settled, is that all right?"

"Yes... that's alright. Anywhere as long as it's not in that castle..." Koma-hime responded curtly to Kanbei's question.

At that time, the other three firebirds, which had separated from Nagahachirou and the three others heading for Kuniwake Castle, returned to the fleet. They landed on the flagship, as did Nagahachirou and the others, and kneeled down to report to their commander, Nagahachirou, and Kanbei.

"Magara Hayatonokami Naonobu and three other Inujin Shinobi have brought Princess Washitsuka Renju from the Kuniwake Castle in the Satsuhayato Province!"

Hayatonokami, Nagahachirou's direct subordinate, delivered the news of the successful mission. On the back of the firebird he rode in was a woman dressed in a gorgeous kimono. She got off the firebird with the help of the sailors and bowed to Kanbei and the others with a graceful gesture that suggests she was high-born.

"I am Renju, daughter of the Washitsuka family. Pleased to meet you."

"My name is Yamamoto Kanbei Isohachi, the commander of the Royal Court Navy. The king has requested that I escort you to the capital city of Ashiwara."

"Fufu... so we are finally free of that dreadful place. Thank you."

Renju then took off her layers of clothing on the spot and stood tall in just a versatile raiment. Her behavior, which was unbecoming of the daughter of the Grand Council's Minister of the Right, was a complete change from the bow she had just made, and symbolized her release from the ties that kept her estranged from her husband, Shimanami Jigannokami Tadahisa, but had prevented her from leaving him.


Koma, who had arrived at the ship earlier, could not hide her shock at the sight of Renju, who had come aboard a firebird with Inujin Shinobi, as well as herself, because they were, as it were, a wife of whose husband had given up on her, and a concubine who was the one-sided favorite of the same man.


Renju approached Koma, who looked shocked, and patted her on the head with a kindly expression that showed no signs of conflict. Koma looked at her with a puzzled expression on her face.

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