chapter 1

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I have posted this one so everyone can read the original unedited version while I work on editing. This has lots of mistakes. You can find the Newley edited version on my page.

*Please remember In the original story the characters looked different than in the new version, In the original Bianca was played by Anna Nyström*

I pushed my body to its limits as I finished another lap around the perimeter of the training area. I stood at the edge of the track, breathing heavy as sweat poured from my forehead. My ponytail becoming messier, with strands becoming lose. Smiling, I realized I had broken my record, 3 miles under 10 minutes.

My dad cheered me on, "alright, Bianca! See now that is a wolf who does their training. Now give me one more lap kiddo." It made him so proud to see how determined I was.

"Yes, sir," I got into running position, "3...2...1," I counted down; then ran full-speed passing all the other pack members who were still only on their first couple laps. I felt like I was flying. I was moving so fast. My feet practically bounced off the ground. My speed was one of the things that made me a fantastic pack warrior.

I'm not one to brag but, I'm one of the top 3 fastest wolves in the whole pack. I'm incredibly proud of it; my alpha's speed put the alpha Elijah's to shame. And no, not Elijah from the Originals, so calm down.

I had inherited my strength and speed from my parents. My dad was the pack's best warrior; he now trains all the pack members. He even taught along with our old alpha before his son took the role of alpha. Our alpha's name is Elijah Westmoon, and let me tell you something, I do not like him and let me explain to you why:
1. He is a freakin' Womanizer.
2. He is self-centered and thinks he is all that. I mean, I know I have strengths, but I know my million of billions of flaws, but Elijah seems to think he has none.
And finally,
3. He is a gigantic, mean bully who picks on people and is just plain rude and so disrespectful to women. He'll make fun of the lower-ranked ones, and bully the girls in the pack that won't sleep with him. I mean, I'll go for the bad boy type, but Elijah isn't a bad boy- he's a prick, an asshole, and a complete utter f*cktard.
My parents don't seem to like him either; he's too irresponsible. He isn't ready to lead a pack. I've pondered about it, and my only reasoning behind would his father would give him the position of the alpha because it's the pack's law. Once an alpha's son turns 18, he must take over the of the Alpha title, I think it's a stupid law because I don't believe their ready and responsible enough at 18, but it's the law.

Alpha Elijah had just turned 18, and if it couldn't get any worse, his, I wouldn't say his girlfriend cause she isn't, but she's like his main bootie call.
I honestly don't know what to call her. Anyways, Kat will most likely be our Luna.
(A.N: I am so so sincerely sorry if your name is Kat. I didn't know what name to use. I didn't mean to offend anyone.)
Now, I have no problem with Kat. If she wants to have sex, hey, it's her body. All power to her. She does what she wants, and she's confident about herself. I stay away from her, and she stays away from me. But what I don't respect is she is mean to most of the girls in the pack that isn't in her little friend group. Especially the lower-ranked ones. That's one thing I hate.
At least one thing I can look forward to is that when I turn 18 soon, I'll become the new leader of the packs' warriors. I'm in that small group of people that are responsible for mature eighteen-year-olds even though I'm not eighteen YET.

As I finished up my last lap, I came to a stop, and my dad congratulated me, "Nice job, kiddo." I thanked him and walked over to my younger brothers, who were in the middle of push-ups. I waited for them to finish and then gave them high fives before making my way to the Packhouse. I made my way straight into the kitchen. I opened the third cabinet and made myself some protein powder for a smoothie. I decided to reward myself with my favorite junk foods and grabbed popcorn as well as my favorite things in the world, pop tarts. My dad would be training until 6:00 today, so there was so the way I could get caught.
You see, my dad is a health nut, so he often starts ranting about me eating this stuff. So don't tell anyone about the secret stash of junk food that's under my bed.
It'll be our little secret. Or else.

The Kings Luna *Original unedited version*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ