chapter 17

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Bianca's POV🔸

The stranger Injected something into my side, and a strange sensation spread through my body. I heard it drop to the floor and glass shatter. I was about to turn around and beat the crap out of this man but unable to shift. It looks like I have to do this human form.

"Alright, we can do this the easy way to or the hard way."

"How about the way in which your ass dies?" I turned around and kicked him. He went flying back. If you haven't already noticed, my kicks are strong.
How to fend off an attacker brought to you by my days in training

1. Remember you can use any part of your body as a weapon
2. Always look for the person's weak spot; these can be face, stomach, groin, knee, shin, and instep.
3. Never Kick your attacker in the groin, this gives them a chance to grab hold of your leg use your knee repeatedly
4. Stay focused on blocking their attacks
5. Get him to the ground on his stomach and twist his arms back
6......No never mind I don't need a six he's passed out. I'm good ok now to tell Carlos. I turned around, and a wolf launched itself at me.

Holy shit. The wolf was literally on top of me, and boy did he need a bath and some breath mints.
"Do we have to fight? I could offer you some breath mints and a bath?" The wolf snarled and nipped at me.

"Ok, I guess not." I pushed him off me, and then another three wolves tackled me. They surrounded me, and someone came up behind me.
Another man pressed a blade to my neck. "If You Make one move and I slit your throat." He dragged me into the woods. Everything was becoming very blurry.

'Carlos, help me. There is someone here, and I can't beat the crap out of him. I don't know what is wrong with me.' I tried to mind-link Carlos, but it was no use.

Suddenly a rag was put in my mouth. I tried not to inhale it, but it was covering my nose and mouth. I ended up giving in and letting the empty blackness consume me.

When I woke up, I was in a dark room filled with bloodstains, claw scratches on the wall, and a tiny light bulb that hung from the ceiling. My hands were tied. I had the urge to puke at the smell of death and decaying bodies everywhere.
I turned to my left and saw a girl around my age chained up in the corner. I walked over to her.

"Are you ok?" I asked and She in response she wriggled around a little. She looked at me with frightened eyes and tried to move away.

"Please, don't be scared. I'm not here to hurt you." She continued to look down. By now, she had started shaking with fear.

"You poor thing, how long have you been here?" I asked

"about eight years." I heard her whisper. I felt my heart drop.

"Oh my, I'm incredibly sorry." I knelt down next to her. "Hey, i'm going to get us out of here. I promise."
She looked up at me, her face was bruised and cut, bit I could still see her gorgeous ocean blue eyes.
"How? It's impossible." She lifted her head, and tears spilled from her eyes. Once my eyes adjusted to the dim light in the room, I studied her features closely.

"I will find a way, I proimse you. I'm going to get us out of here."

"What's your name?"

"Emiline," she stuttered

"Emiline?" I repeated in disbelief

She nodded, "I used to have a sister named Emiline." I moved closer to her.

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