chapter 10

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Bianca's POV

The sound of an alarm clock woke me up. I shot up from the bed only to find I was back in my old bed in the Westmoon pack.

"No. NO NO Hell no it was all a dream. A big fat beautiful dream." Tears trickled down my face. I lay back down on the bed whispering to myself that It was all a dream.

Suddenly a bright light shined in my eyes, I shot up from the bed only to see I was in the bedroom at the castle I smiled and laid back down, I turned the other way only to come into contact with a hard wall. I gently opened my eye to see it wasn't a wall at all it was my mate. I giggled

"Hi, Carlos," I whispered

"Morning my love." He wrapped his strong arms tighter around my waist. I kissed his cheek

"Carlos let go I gotta go to the bathroom now let go of me" I whined

He finally let go and I ran to the bathroom and sat down. After I washed my hands and brushed my teeth I pulled out the hairbrush and began to fix my tangled hair. After I slid on an oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts.

"Hey, can we go for a run?" April asked

"Sure." She cheered and I cut off our mind link. I ran back into the room and jumped on the bed.

"Wake Up. Wake up. I wanna go for a run please."

"No sleep." Carlos groaned

"Fine." I was about to hop off the bed when my foot got tangled up in the sheets and I fell off the bed face first.

"Ouch!" I yelped Carlos was by my side within seconds. He picked me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck

"Do you need some ice?"

"I'm good. Just banged my face on the floor. I'm fine. It's not the first time this happened." I laughed. He didn't look very convinced so he opened the door. I looked at him

"Pants." I reminded him

"Right pants." He blushed deep red and carefully placed me on the bed. He put on basketball shorts and picked me up once again. He raced down the stairs and we rushed into the kitchen. I was placed on the counter while Carlos opened the huge freezer and pull out a bag of frozen peas.

"I'm really fine though."

"You could have sprained your ankle, or lost a tooth."

"Look just because I'm not as tall as you doesn't mean I'm fragile. I'm actually a ruthless killer." He placed the bag on my ankle and kissed my forehead.

"You're an adorably tiny killer."

"I'd like to hear you say that when I beat you ass."

"Yah right. I'd like to see you try." He smirked

"Anytime anywhere." He laughed.

"Hey, you wanna go get my phone?" I asked

"NO I'm good."

"Wow, I see how it is." I fake scoffed

Carlos rolled his eyes. "Want breakfast?"

"Sure." Carlos chuckled and pulled out pancake mix from the cupboard. I smiled and watched him cook.

"Can I have chocolate chips in mine?" He nodded and added it to the pancake.

I slid over closer to him still managing to balance the peas on my ankle.

He put the pancakes on a plate and when he wasn't looking I grabbed one and began eating it.

Carlos turned around and raised an eyebrow. He smirked and shook his head. He took another pancake from the plate and stuffed it into his mouth as he flipped the other one. After we were done he helped me off the counter.

"So how about that run?" I asked

"Is your ankle ok?"

"Yes now let's go." I pulled him up the stairs and he leads the way. He opened these huge doors.

'Ok, what is it with this place an huge door?' I asked myself

He opened He opened these huge doors to reveal a beautiful garden with lots of flowers and trees, past the garden was a huge forest with a trail.

"I smiled and stripped to my undergarments. I smiled at him and shifted into my black wolf. I closed my eyes while Carlos took off his clothes. I didn't want to stare

'You totally would do that.' April teased

'Oh, and you wouldn't.'

'Nope, I'd jump on him and mate him right here.'

'Damn horny ass wolf'

'I heard that and.....' I blocked out our mind link before she could finish. He shifted into his beautiful silver wolf which towered mine. He rubbed his head against my neck. I licked his cheek Carlos looked at me his eyes gold with lust just like when we first met.

"Like what you see alpha." I teased

He howled back a "Yes." We didn't have mind link yet because I wasn't marked but we communicated like regular animals by talking to each other. Suddenly Carlos began licking and sniffing my neck. I knew this was his wolf

'April can you take over?'

'Sure.' I knew she was smiling sinisterly

'But don't mate with him.'

'Fine.' She whined and I felt myself losing control.

April's POV

"Hello mate, I am Luca." He whispered in my ear

"April it's an honor to be in the presence of the most powerful and sexy wolf in the world" He licked my neck and I shivered my fur stood up and I licked his muzzle. He grinned and gently bit my ear I purred and got up from under him.

I shook my tail and ran with Luca hot on my trail. I followed the trail and ran deeper into the forest but then took a sharp turn and ran back to the garden. I looked back and saw Luca was nowhere to be seen so I took a moment to catch my breath before I was tackled to the ground my Luca.

'Don't run away from me like that mate you are mine." He growled

I shifted back not caring if I was naked I was his and he was mine. Luca shifted after me his large body cover mine fully. I looked at him as he was looking at me with lustfull eyes. I whined and he looked at me, I bit my lip and he brought his face closer to mine. Our lips touched.

Our kisses were full of passion and they became more and more intense. I pulled away to look at a smirking Luca I grabbed the shirt I had left folded to the side and slid it on. Luca slid on his shorts just before attaching his lips onto my swollen ones.

"April I can't have to give Carlos back control I can't control myself."

"I love you, Luca."

"I love you too my queen."

Bianca's POV

"Well, that was."

"Interesting," Carlos smirked

He lifted me up into his embrace and our lips met. He played with my swollen bottom lip and held me close.

"I love you, me and April we love you both." I looked up at him. Carlos's eyes were dark hazel mixed with a little green.

"We love you too." He spoke the words came out of his lips but the sound of two people speaking escaped from them. It was him and his wolf. His eyes returned to their natural hazel color.


"It's an old trick we royals use to give orders or just please our mates." I smiled and pecked his lips once more.

"Alpha?" We turned around to face a very surprised and embarrassed guy who was blushing very red.

I wonder who he is?


Hope you guys liked this chapter I've been having some writers block so bare with me.

Remember to vote and comment!

~Izzy ❤️

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