Chapter 34

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Bianca Blackwood* 🔸

"Wahhhhhh!" I hated that noise to know my poor baby was in pain and I couldn't do anything. Axe and Bane were now 6 months and Bane got a little fever. My poor baby, Carlos was in Philadelphia working on pack business for the next couple weeks.

Silvia and Mike were in Spain for their anniversary

Emiline was with Ashton and Carlos because I ordered her to go with her mate and fill in for me. Irina was in Florida with her mate taking a vacation I suggested.

So I was pretty much all alone with my two joys. Well except for the maids but I don't really want to be a bother to them so I usually have them stay at home with their families.

Bane was napping on my tummy I had finally gotten him to calm down. Axe was right next to me laying on his nap mat.

I turned on the television and turned it down very low.

Axe then started complaining I touch his forehead

"Oh, not you too." I sighed

I reached over to grabbed two thermometers and placed look their temperatures. It beeped and I red

103 degrees Fahrenheit. I immediately called the pack doctor.

She comes over quickly and gives my boys some medicine. They fall asleep quickly leaving me and her to talk.

"The fever should go down I gave them some white sunflower medicine. They will be fine but if one of them start complaining again then just give them a table spoon and rock them gently, I know this may sound weird but they are pups maybe take them out for some fresh air." I nodded telling her I understood.

She bowed and exited the room.

Suddenly my phone started ringing, I picked up my phone and read


CARLOS~ "Hello my Queen how is my wife and two princes?"

ME~"We are doing great Bane and Axe have a little fever

but  I called the pack doctor they should be fine."

CARLOS~ "I'm glad baby I miss you so much."

In the background, I hear my sister

EM~ "I miss you too."


CARLOS~ "well I should go, babe, i love you."


I hung up and went back to my boys. They were wide awake with their legs kicking in the air, and they giggle at each other's feet.

"OK, how about a nice relaxing bath." As if they understood perfectly Axe pouted and Bane's eyes went wide.

I laughed and picked them up. We asked to the bathroom and I turn on the matter in the tub. I laid down a fluffy on the ground and placed the boys on there as I got undresses. I picked up both my baby boys and stepped into the warm water.

Bane and Axe giggled and started splashing each other.

"Why you little munchkins." I tickled them and they laughed

I then took some baby soap and washed them. Then I wrapped them in towels and put dippers on them. I put them in the crib while I changed into my underwear, skinny jeans and a cropped jumper.

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