chapter 9

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"It was amazing mom he was so sweet. Best date I've ever had in my life."

"I'm so happy for you Bianca...."

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Screamed a girly high pitch voice.

"I have to go, mom. I'll call you later"

"Ok sweetie bye."

"Bye." I hung up and ran downstairs and saw Ashton and Gavin cowering in fear.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked. Ashton's shaky hand pointed to the far wall.


"What the actual fuck, two 7 footmen scared of a tiny spider."

Author~ They aren't actually 7 foot just in case some of you got any idea's

April~ Know cause they are totally going to think they are actually 7 foot tall.

Author~ shut up...*Says in whining voice*

April & Author ~ Sry for interrupting. Now Back to your regular scheduled story

"It's huge though," Gavin argued

"Kill it." Ashton cried

"You two have lost my respect. It' just a spider how big could it be....AHHHHHHHHH!" I ran behind them.

"We told you." Mocked Gavin

"That thing is as big as my face." Ashton cried

"Where did it come from?" I asked

"We don't know but it's huge and it's hairy."

"Do you two by a chance have arachnophobia?" I asked them

(Fear of spiders for anyone who didn't know)

Gavin nodded slowly. "I don't, I just really don't like them," Ashton said

"Ok here's what we are going to do. We're all gonna man up in my case woman up. Then were gonna kill that spider. Gavin you don't have to."

"Thanks, Luna." He gulped. Ashton and I nodded at each other and stood up. We grabbed our shoes and ran towards the spider. When we looked back we found a kid with an adorable little boy with big glasses holding the spider.

"Sorry Sherman got out of his cage." He apologized

"Nowa please, just take that thing away," Ashton told the little boy

"I will sorry about that. You must be the Luna I'm Nowa this is my pet spider, Sherman."

"It's ok I'm Bianca it's nice to meet you Nowa you're very cool."

"Really? No one and ever called me that before."

"Well, they should."

"Thank you, Luna. Do you want to see my other animals."

"I'd love to." He smiled and I followed him.

"So Nowa how old are you?"

"I'm 7 years old."

"Do you live here?"

"Yah my big brother is one of the warriors, I live here with him because my mom and dad are gone."

"Oh, I'm very sorry Nowa."

"It's ok. They are in a better place." He gave me a big smile and opened his door. His room was blue with forest wallpaper. It looked like the jungle. He put the spider back in the tank. I have no idea what it's called. Is it a tank?

'Terrarium dumbass.'

'Thanks, April your so nice when it comes to me not knowing things.'

"This is Sherman but you've already met him. That is Sandy, Carl and Roger they are bearded dragons." He showed me a terrarium with three bearded dragons.

"Aww, that is so cute."

"This is Shelley by corn snake, Charlie my turtle and lastly Mores the Blue axanthic iguana."

"They are all so adorable."

"Thanks, Luna and don't worry about them getting out. My brother and I are moving to a house on the pack grounds so I'll have more space."

"That's great."

"Do you wanna hold Sandy and Roger?"

"Sure." He handed me them and I picked them up. They were so cute. They clung to my shoulders.

"Can I go show Carlos?"

"Oh course I'll take Carl he's a little grumpy." I laughed and we made our way to the office.

I opened the door and said, "I am Daenerys Targaryen Mother of Dragons." Carlos looked at me a let out a laugh.Then I gave them back to Nowa, "Thanks fro letting me meet all your wonderful animals."

"Anytime luna." He smiled and left.

I sat on the chair next to Carlos. "Did you have fun yesterday?" He asked

"I did it was very fun and fancy."

"Do you want to go on another date this afternoon?"

"I'd love to. So where are we going to go?"

"It's a surprise. Just be sure to wear a swimsuit." He smirked

"Okay." I kissed his cheek and skipped happily into the bedroom to call my mom back.

The Kings Luna *Original unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now