Chapter 36

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I woke up to the sound of an engine and the smell of gasoline.

"Where am I?" I groaned

My eyes were still heavy and my limbs were so sore I could hardly get up. I knew i was in a moving car because i heard the sound of breaks and i hit the wall and blacked out.

I looked up and saw Elijah was carrying me

I began screaming and yelling for help. I kept trying to kick and scream but I was paralyzed but my mouth wasn't.


He began shaking very hard. He was really mad. Elijah suddenly threw me so hard my body hit the hood of the car and I screamed. My bones and muscles and joints and organs felt like they were being crumbled and smashed into a tiny box. My lungs contracted with such force that I was afraid they would fold into themselves. My torso and head smashed up against the windshield while my arms and legs were flailing, searching for somewhere to hold and stop the forward movement my body was going.

The world must have kept flickering its figurative light switch because my vision kept flashing from bitter darkness to blinding white light. The only sound that filled my ears was the crushing of glass mixed with the distinct crackles of my bones.

He picked me up and carried me into the basement, my feet dragging against every step it took to get to the ground floor. He sat me in a sitting position and chained me to the wall. He stared at me for a moment and smiled.

"I'm glad I have you forever now." I screamed really loud and his hand hit em and I fell with the force of it. The first slap, I hadn't expected him to be so strong but the weight and strength enough to stun. Though his hand was empty, it was like being hit with a hunk of meat nonetheless.

"ok your gonna be quiet now and I won't kill you." He smirked and tried to kiss me but i bit his lip hard and he slapped me again.

"Bitch." He spat

Kat and a man I had not recognized came in.

"Well Bianca You remember Kat and let me introduce Varian he's a aquatint of your sister." Elijah began laughing

"Yes how is my mate?" Varian asked

"With her real mate."

I earned another slap but this time from Varian.

"Get used to it your going to be here a while." They all laughed and exited the room.

(2 weeks later)

Elijah beat almost everyday I was held in a the dirty basement of the prison mines and had only been fed a boiled egg and dirty water. I was injected everyday with wolfsbane.

Kat would sometimes come downstairs and blame me for her failure, she would tell me its my fault Elijah doesn't love her. She beat me and would try to burn me with silver. But luckily i was made a royal wolf because of Carlos's mark.

'Bianca I did it the wolfsbane wore off we can contact Luca!' April cheered

'Good job April, Carlos Luca can you hear me?'

'My love is that you?' Carlos's voice sounded raspy and low

'yes it is I'm underground in the prison mines."

"I will be there quickly I promise are you hurt?'

I gulped..'Yes I am." I couldn't bring myself to tell him what really happened

suddenly the door burst open revealing Elijah

'Carlos I have to go please come quick!'

'my love what happened are you..........' our connection went silent

"Oh look who's wolfs bane wore off trying to contact your pathetic Carlos?" He laughed evilly while he injected me again with the wolfs bane.

"He is not pathetic he's my mate." I screamed

"I am your mate and you will respect me." He slapped me across the face.

"I will never!" I screamed

Elijah dragged me to the back room he grabbed me by my arms and pushed me onto the dirty bed. I screamed. He put this hand over my mouth and started to undo his pants. I kicked and screamed. I reached up and grabbed the small silver chain that was stuck on the wall. I pulled on it until it came out. I burned Elijah's hand with it and he screamed.

Elijah looked up at me and went to grab my throat. I took his hand and used my strength to twist it making a popping sound. He then threw me against the wall and I hit my head on the metal door. My whole body went numb. Elijah grabbed me but I couldn't move, I couldn't fight back. I was sure my head was bleeding. Elijah pushed me down and after he was done, he got dressed and walked out like nothing happened. He left me there with my tears. When he walked out the door, he took with him my pride and my security . I had so many thoughts going through my mind. I felt Shame. Guilt. Anger.

I laid in the corner, the tears ran down my cheeks. I missed my baby's, my two small little ones and my big strong alpha.

~~~~~~Carlos POV~~~~~

'Carlos, Luca can you hear me?' Bianca cried through mind link

'My love is that you?'

'yes it is I'm underground in the prison mines." Her voice was low and she spoke with quick breaths

"I will be there quickly i promise, are you unhurt?'

'Yes, I am."

'Carlos I have to go please come quickly.'

'my love what happened are you..........' our connection went dead

I knew it I knew he had taken my mate! Elijah took my mate! I will have him stripped of his tittle and killed in the most painful of ways. Axe and Bane cried wanting their mommy. I hadn't gotten to sleep in since she was taken.

Emiline was very depressed she would only cry and hide her face into Ashton's chest, Gavin and Brett blamed themselves.

But its mostly my fault i am the king of werewolves and I can't even protect my own mate!

'GET THE WARRIORS READY I KNOW WHERE BIANCA IS!" I ordered through mind link

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