Chapter 43

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Ok just a quick A/N before the chapter. First I wanna thank everyone who enjoys my book and votes. I try by best to write what I can and I do make mistakes like spelling or my over use of exclamation marks. Please keep in mind I'm not a great writer I'm a young author (Going to be a freshman (High school) soon..God help me) but I know thats not a good excuse. Thats not even that young. AnywayI love writing and if you don't like the book please just keep it to yourself you don't have to message me about how awful it is. Im currently in the process of editing and adding more details. I'm hopefully trying to make my book better and I really hope you all continue reading and will stay tuned for the sequel.

Ok anyway, enjoy the chapter.

Bianca POV🔸

I open the door and walked inside mine and Carlos's room. There were still boxed left un opened so I got to unpacking them. Carlos was training like he's been doing for 2 months straight now. The moon goddess basically told us we would win and yet he's going all out.

'Chill he's just trying to protect us.' April said

'I know, I know but its just.' i sighed

'what?' she asked

'Never mind. I have no idea whats been going on. It's the pregnancy hormones.'

I opened one of the boxes and found a picture frame of baby Carlos. He looked so cute The bedroom door opened and Carlos stepped in covered in sweat and a little blood.

"What did you do?"

"I've been training." He sighed while slipping off his shirt.

"Well I really wish you would just relax a little and spend some time with me." I huffed a little irritated

'Why are you being so irritating?' April asked

'Stay out of this.' I yelled and blocked her out.

"Why are you yelling at me I'm only trying to protect our family?"

"First of all I didn't yell and second because Carlos the Moon Goddess told us we are going to win so I don't see why your going so over board with this."

"Well excuse me for trying to be a good alpha, father and mate. I just wanna protect my family maybe that's why I'm training do hard, it's the fact that you don't realize that is what pisses me off."

"Of please elaborate."

"I have risked my life to protect you because I love you everything I do is because I love you and our family. I rescued you two timed because you were kidnapped Bianca what happened to the warrior you used to be? You've gone soft you barely get your ass up anymore."

"Excuse me but I'm pregnant."

"That's not a good excuse what about when you weren't pregnant? You could have protected yourself form you were attacked you in here but if only you were stronger but I guess you're not." At this point Carlos's face was red and he had a vain popping out.

I was very close to tears because I realized everything he said was the truth. If I had been stronger I wouldn't have been kidnapped so many freaking times. I looked at Carlos who now had seemed to calm down and was looking at me with sympathetic eyes.

"Bianca I'm sorry...I'm so sorry I really didn't mean to say those things I'm suck an idiot."

"Oh hell no. Don't pull that crap with me and expect me to be tuning back into your sorry ass arms. I don't play like that. Last time I checked I did fight back. The first time I was kidnapped it took 5 rogues to take me down. The second time was because I was protecting my kids. So you better get your facts straight. Something just happened and now I realize that your right. I should have been stronger I will admit I've gone a little soft. But I can and will still kick your ass"

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