Chapter 40

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Before I even start this chapter I just wanna say that if you don't like my book stop reading or take it up with the complaint department.....the trash can.

I warned everyone it moves fast and if after this chapter you have some problem sorry...Not Sorry. It's my book and I write it the way I want.

Bianca's POV🔸

I woke up it was the kind of brilliant white that would even make new snow look grey, the kind of white that sears into your retinas and makes you temporarily blind.

'How did I get here?'

"Hello Is anyone here?"

"Bianca?" I turned around and saw my sister

"Emiline whats happening?" I asked her

"Maybe were having one of those twin dreams like what we had when we were little."

"Maybe but why now?"

"Bianca Emiline." we turned around to face a beautiful woman. Her hair was a kind of translucent white, it was not greyish or creamy or blonde. It was absolutely white with blue tips. She wore a blue gown made of soft, satiny fabric, long and loose. A semicircular, high collar made of silk-like materials headed the ankle-length robe.

"Hello Bianca Emiline my name is Serrina. I'm daughter of Selena's the previous Moon Goddess." I was shocked. We immediately bowed.

"Please my daughters do not bow." She laughed

"Daughters?" We both asked

"Of course all werewolves are my children." She smiled sweetly

"Well Serrina why are we here?"

"Well you see my daughters I've been watching since the day you were born I've wept when i was powerless to do anything when you were separated fates control your own life not me I'm sorry."

"The fates?"

"You see the fates are ancient beings that control the life of the wolves, Moon Goddesses and the other gods. So I had no power in deciding what happens in your life."

"Wait are you saying that were moon goddesses?"

"Oh my dear Bianca you and your sister are the rulers of the werewolf world and I need both of you to train the next moon goddess."

"And who is that gonna be Serrina?"

"Bianca you will give birth to a daughter who you two will train the to be the next moon goddess." She smiled and i looked at Emiline

"And Emiline your daughter will not only be the beta of the Blackwood pack but the moon goddess adviser and second hand helper. Best friends."

"Wait so why do we need a new Moon Goddess aren't you like immortal?" I asked

"Well actually not really every 10,000 years a new Moon Goddess is born and the previous one loses their power."

"So you just age and watch your family die?"

"Well no. The Mood Goddess lives their full life on earth for about 90 to 100 years then they go to the heavens with their mate and they continue ruling for 10,000 so technically I'm a spirit."

"Ok I get it. Kinda. But why does the moon Goddess need an advisor?"

"Because dear Emiline it's just how it is. The Moon Goddess advisor is a very important job. They join powers to bond souls together. Second chance mates and rejections happen because some of the fates are assholes." We both laughed.

"Plus who else would be a better second-hand advisor to the Moon Goddess than the sass queens daughter herself."

"Oh, you know it."

"Ok I get this but how do we train them?" I asked

"Just teach them everything you know and when its time they'll know. I promise."

"Wow, how do I tell Ashton about this?" Emiline pondered

"I got this." She snapped her fingers and Ashton and Carlos suddenly came out of no where.

"Ok whats going on here?" Ashton said

"Guys this is the moon goddess show some respect." Em scolded

they both bowed and Serrina laughed "Hello king Carlos and Royal Beta Ashton." She smiled

They were dumb founded and kept blinking "Well let's just say your daughters are going I do amazing things."

"Oh My God. We're having daughters. They both cheered at the same time and high fives each other.

Ashton runs and tackles Emiline. "I love you so much. Thank you."

Carlos kisses my tummy and hugged me. We basically went through the whole conversation we just had again and in the end Carlos's mouth was wide open and Ashton looked dumbfounded.

"Here let me show you all your new home."

"Wait new home what of the castle?" I asked

"Well before you're daughter is born there will be a war and you all must leave the castle and you will all move to this palace before the rouges and enemies of the supernaturals such as prisoners from the underworld attack." She told us and wave her hand

Suddenly we were standing in front of a huge palace. Everything reflects the golden rays of the sun, it seems so bright in comparison to what I've seen before. I don't think i will ever think there shall come a time when the mortal cities will ever surpass in grandeur and luxury. And their weapons and warriors will be able fell the mighty guards who stand watch, because they change. Buildings rear either side of me, they are built to last thousands of years and are a rare sight, a vivid feast for the eyes. The novelty of them has worn off, in the distance is a bridge of many stone arches, each of them perfectly formed, it leads to my destination, the Palace of Gods. It is sat high upon the hill overlooking where the old castle was but it was not destroyed but the pack was still good.

"Well, I must go now."

"Wait when will we know the war starts?"

"Began training your warriors now the war will be in exactly one month, I will send my best warriors to help in the war and keep your pack from losing too many. You daughter will be born when the sun rises signaling victory and Emiline your daughter weeks after."

"Thank you Serrina." We all said

She smiled kindly and everything went out like a light. I woke up in my bed with Carlos by my side. He looked at me and I looked at him then at my stomach.

He kissed my small bump lightly "Oh your gonna do great things."

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