Chapter 2

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'Well, I'm not cleaning that up.'

Now back to this ass, "get your STD-filled body off of me!" I yelped

"Is that any way to talk to your alpha?" Elijah frowned fakely

Let me explain to you why this supposed to be a magical moment was the worst nightmare. I cannot stand Elijah Westmoon for many reasons.

I was in disbelief, out of everyone in the world, out of all the people in the pack, I had to get stuck with Elijah as a mate. When he touched me, I felt only itchiness instead of the typical sparks. We got up from the ground, and everyone in the room with us was silent.

Elijah's lips curled into a smirk so foul it would put the Grinch' to shame, "I, Elijah Westmoon reject you Bianca North as my mate and Luna of this pack, Kat's already got that job." He declared loudly in an alpha tone. The rejection and humiliation hit me like a ton of bricks. Not only did a whole chaotic scene unfold, but it happened in front of both mine and his parents.
I felt an aching pain in my chest, but I just tried to brush it off. I won't show pain, especially in front of him. Elijah began to walk out of the room, however then turned back around and looked at me, "Oh, and just so I don't have to see your face in this pack, I at this moment ban you from the Westmoon pack."

My heart dropped, to the pit of my stomach. My knees suddenly became jelly and turned on me. I fell to the ground black spots began to cloud my vision.


Everything around me was complete darkness. The sound of my heartbeat was drumming in my ear. Everything was still and then I was falling at an impossible rate.

"Bianca, please wake up big sis," I heard my little brother Philip say quietly, almost as if he was holding back tears. I opened my eyes and shut them quickly due to the sudden bright light. When I opened them again I saw my mother trying to calm my father down, her hand rubbing his back soothingly and she was standing in front of him so he couldn't take a step forward. I turned my head to see Elijah, pinned to the wall by his father. Lois was in tears desperately trying to get Rick to let him go.

I stood up shakily. My parents rushed to my side trying to help me regain my balance.

"I'm okay," I reassured my parents. I walked over and tried to and helped Lois pry Rick off of Elijah. Why might you ask? Because if that ass dies, so do I since I haven't rejected him back.

"Elijah, how could you?" His dad screamed.

"I'm going to kill you," Dad yelled, trying to lunge at Elijah, but mom was holding him back. The yelling wasn't helping soothe my pounding head.

"How could you, Elijah? I raised you better than this. Bianca is the perfect Luna, better than that no good Kat you're always with." Lois cried.

"Does it look like I care? No, this is my pack. My pack, my rules. Bianca get your shit and leave my pack." He ordered

"Look I don't care that you rejected me. But you can't make me leave. My family is here, my life is here. I'm head of the pack warrior for god sake."

"The Westmoon pack is strong. We'll survive just fine, we'll flourish with fewer bitches you."

"Yeah and I'm going to take over the world! The Westmoon pack has strong warriors. Other than that, the pack has nothing going for it, being run by idiots like you." I snapped

"She's right, you know, without Bianca a bunch of people will start slacking," Carson added.

"Shut it, kid."

"Don't you ever talk to him like that." I hissed at him

"I've had enough of this. Go now, or you get executed."

The Kings Luna *Original unedited version*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora