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It was a shock, to say the least, when the three walked into the Great Hall the next morning and the noise level was just high enough to hit 'new gossip' on the sound level meter

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It was a shock, to say the least, when the three walked into the Great Hall the next morning and the noise level was just high enough to hit 'new gossip' on the sound level meter. "What a pleasant way to start my Sunday." Melissa joked dryly.

Taking a seat, Elizabeth got to work asking the closest gossiping Ravenclaw what was going on.

Acquiring the information felt, to Lorelei, like it took entirely too long. But eventually the brunette took a seat across from her friends. She stared at the table for a moment before looking into Lorelei's eyes, "Apparently, Regulus Black had to go to the medical wing after a snog gone wrong with one certain Ravenclaw."

Smiling at Regulus' story, Lori asked, "What went wrong?"

"Oh that's the best part," Liz grinned, "While pushing his partner against the wall, they got too close to the common room fireplace and his robes caught on fire. Unfortunately for him, he didn't notice until it had burned half his robes."

Melissa started laughing, and Lori grinned and shook her head, "Oh Godric, that boy certainly can spin a tale. Did they say if he 'burned himself'?"

"No, he miraculously escaped any injury but you made him go anyway just to make sure."

"You know I've got to hand it to him, that's the most entertaining rumor that's circulated this year."

"And here comes the brilliant storyteller now." Liz nodded to the doorway where Regulus slipped in.

Without having plated any food yet, Lori abandoned her seat and walked over to him, stopping him before he got to the Slytherin table. "Thank you, it's quite a story you've spun."

A small smile melted his firm features, "It was my pleasure."

"I suppose I've got to ask if you're okay since that tragic fire accident." She smirked.

He laughed, "I'm barely making it by with my extensive injuries."

Chuckling at his joke, she thanked him once again before walking back to her table, leaving him to go to his own.

She didn't even make it halfway before Potter shot out of his seat. Lorelei watched as he flopped out of the bench, nearly falling face first onto the ground before correcting himself and scanning the room.

He stopped on her face and matched over, "Byrd."

Lori smiled, "Good morning Potter, how are you?"

He ignored her, "It was one thing to snog Lily, it was another thing to shag Lupin, it is an entirely different plane of thing to shag Sirius's Slytherin brother."

Smile unmoving she shrugged, "Why do you care what I do, Potter? I'm not hurting anybody."

"You're hurting me! You've gone for my love, my friend, and my enemy!"

"That's a nice list I have going there."

He stabbed his finger at her, ever so slightly brushing against her chest. "You need to be stopped."

"Is that a threat?"

Potter turned away from her and walked away.

Lorelei walked to her seat sitting harshly down, as much as she anticipated this reaction he still somehow got to her.

"I choose Potter. I'm going to crush him."

Liz and Melissa exchanged looks.


Leaning against the wall next to the Great Hall's doors, Lorelei waited for Lily the next day.

It didn't take long, as everyone knew Lily enjoyed an early start to her day, for her to show up. The redhead glanced in her direction, pausing before entering the Great Hall. "Hello Lorelei, who are you waiting for?"

Detaching from the wall, Lori walked to her, "You." She joked.

Walking together, Lily asked, "Did you need something?"

"No, but I thought I should let you know about my cherry on top for my project."

Ruffling her brows Lily turned to face her, "What do you mean?"

Lorelei nudged her over to the near empty Gryffendor table, sitting down she whispered, "I've decided on a log con. I've already established the student body cares far too much about romantic relations, so now I've got to string along the right person. I mean, you've seen how everyone's been invested in yours and Potter's relationship and all he's done is flirt with you."

"That sounds like a good plan, Godric knows everyone cares far too much about others' business that isn't their own." Lily tilted her head, "Where do I fit into this? Have you already chosen a target."

"I have, which is why I'm telling you all this. You see, Liz suggested I help you by playing my long con on Potter. It gets him off of you, where his attentions are clearly unwanted, and he already carries social weight that makes people care about every tiny thing he does." She rolled her eyes, "I just wanted to let you know so you didn't think I'd lost my mind."

Lily raised her brows and slowly digested her words. "You're going to date him?"

"No, I'm going to crush him. That boy needs to be humbled more than Dumbledore does."

Lily looked concerned, "You're going to string him along just to hurt his feelings?"

Smiling, Lori confirmed, "Exactly. Everyone wins, including Potter. In fact, when he's married with a tiny Potter running around, he will want to thank me for knocking him down a peg or two."

Glancing over her shoulder, Lily said under her breath, "Speak of the devil."

Following her gaze, Lori looked behind her where Potter was walking toward them.

"Lily, woman of my dreams, will you go to hogsmeade with me next weekend?" He proclaimed loudly.

"I never will." Lily said, turning her back to him to start putting food on her plate.

He sighed before glancing over at Lorelei, "Oh. It's you."

Standing up, she approached him. "Miss me already, Potter?"

"I knew my day of peace without you was too good to last." He retorted dryly back as his friends approached them.

Breaking eye contact with Potter, Lorelei smiled over, "Remus, how have you been?"

Grinning back, "Lorelei. Just well enough, I suppose."

She hummed, "Still surrounded by questionable company I see." She glanced at Potter who watched the interaction closely, like the two would shag each other in front of the whole student body.

Following her gaze, "Life wouldn't be half as good without them all."

Detaching her gaze from Potter, she moved it to the next boy in line, "Pettigrew, I believe." She addressed.

"You can call me Peter if you'd like." His voice came out soft, almost timid.

"Alright then, Peter. I insist you call me Lori then."

Peter gave a shy smile as Lorelei turned to the final boy huddled around her. "Black."

"It's Sirius," He gave her a charming smile which she reciprocated.

"I would introduce myself again but you're probably tired of my name by now." She held eye contact with him for a moment longer before looking over, "See you later, Potter."

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