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The next morning Lorelei dressed neatly as always, putting a slight bit of extra effort into her appearance

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The next morning Lorelei dressed neatly as always, putting a slight bit of extra effort into her appearance. She knew the moment she walked into the Great Hall she would have to face James Potter.

Lorelei grabbed a book from her bedside table she'd borrowed from the restricted section in the library titled, Blood Magic: The Lost Art. Just in case she needed a distraction.

Leaving Melissa and Liz to follow her when they pleased, Lorelei left the dorm and rushed through the corridors to the great hall.

Luckily, she was one of the first students there.

She filled her plate with food, eating quickly at first, but slowing down after a few bites in. Her nerves made the meat taste like rubber. Swallowing what she could, Lorelei set her fork down and drew out her book. She thought that perhaps after a bit of reading her appetite would return.

Blood Magic was a dark art taught to wizards and witches by demons. Specifically, the demon Bralren was said to have a particular way with blood magic. She alone taught hundreds of dark witches and wizards the art of blood magic.

In the 11th century, however, Bralren was murdered by Osma Hawarde in the shadow battles. Since then the art of Blood Magic, specifically using one's own blood as a tool, has been all bit lost.

The only thing remaining of the teachings Bralren spread about such Blood Magic are texts from Salazar Slytherin - who later became one of the four founders of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizards - who was directly taught Blood Magic by the demon Bralren.

Salazar Slytherin was the only student of Bralren who defied her order (cited in Slytherin's texts) to never write her teachings down. He was also the only student who-

"Lorelei, we need to talk."

Ripping her eyes from the text, she looked up into Potter's bright blue eyes. "What." She said firmly.

"I didn't mean to-"

"You know what." She said cutting him off. Standing, she grabbed her book and abandoned her food, "I'm not hungry anymore."

Turning her back on him, she walked out of the great hall just as Liz and Melissa were walking in.

Walking quickly, Lorelei detoured from walking to the ravenclaw common room and instead walked into her empty History of Magic classroom. Professor Binns, the ghost that taught the class, was almost always in his classroom. As a ghost, he had no need to eat or sleep, instead he focused on lesson planning and other work. He also never cared about Lorelei intruding on his classroom.

In fact, although in the minority she found it to be one of her favorite classes in her first and second year. She found the history of magic to be insanely fascinating, and despite Professor Binns having a monotone voice she didn't let it stop her from enjoying the subject matter.

"Professor Binns?" She asked, approaching his desk, "Have you got a moment?"

Looking up from the parchments laying in front of him, Professor Binns nearly smiled. "Lorelei. Of course, yes, have a seat." He waved his transparent hand vaguely at the chair opposite to his desk.

Taking his suggestion, Lorelei sat. For a moment the two sat in silence while she idly fiddled with the edge of the cover of her book.

"Did you need something?" He finally asked after seeming to remember she was in the room.

Clearing her throat slightly, she asked, "Actually, I have a quick question for you. The other day after class, I don't know if you remember, but you gave me a permission slip to retrieve this book," A bit lamely she lifted the book, "And I had a question on the introduction." She flipped to the first page she had been reading in the Great Hall. "It says Salazar Slytherin wrote down Bralren's teachings. And if that's so, why isn't there a book with his findings?"

Professor Binns considered her question. "Well." He finally started, "First of all, Blood Magic is a forbidden dark art, which most likely factors in. But I believe the main reason was his account was incomplete." He nodded to the book in her hand, "They review all the decipherable material in that book, but most of his textual account was like a diary account of his interactions with Bralren."

"So there's no way for a witch or wizard today to learn Blood Magic?"

He shifted his head from one side to the other, "I suppose a fairly dedicated mind could piece together a few spells. But, yes. Mastering Blood Magic would be impossible as all who taught died out long ago."

Nodding gently Lorelei mulled it over. "Thank you, Professor Binns. The history is so fascinating. To think Salazar Slytherin was well versed in Blood Magic..."

Grunting in response, Professor Binns muttered, "So fascinating that a Dark Wizard knew powerful magic."

Smiling at the rare show of personality, Lorelei stood. "Thank you, Professor Binns. For answering my question and showing me this book."

After a slight wave from her professor, she walked out of the classroom. Hopefully by now, the coast was clear for Potter.

Sure enough, her walk from Professor Binns classroom was uneventful. Looking at one of the clocks on the wall, she noticed it was nearly time for her first class: potions.

Arriving early to the lesson, she greeted Slughorn who was preparing a potion for the class, she sat in her usual spot. Pulling out her book while she waited for the other students to arrive, she continued reading.

He was also the only student who gave an official description on Bralren. He described her as "beautiful in her darkness" with long black hair and red skin.

Although Slytherin was seen as a master in Blood Magic, he only managed to write down pieces of spells. Agatha Gibbs, a historian specialized in decoding ancient text, says on the matter, "It seems that Salazar Slytherin used his texts, not as a historical record, but as a notebook to keep track of his notes. He tracked some of his interactions with Bralren, and also had notes on the spell work she taught. Although incomplete as his notes are, there are some that are outlined clearly."

This book outlines and deciphers Slytherins writings in the hope that Blood Magic will not stay a lost art.

Lorelei stared at the introduction page for another minute, skimming again over the words.

Then she flipped the page.

"Lorelei." As though she was doing something wrong, she slightly jumped in her seat.

Slamming the book shut before securing it in her bag, she asked a touch defensively, "What?"

Liz sat down next to her, giving her a quizzical look. "Nothing, I just wanted to know what book you were reading."

"Yeah you seemed pretty sucked in." Melissa said as she sat down on her other side.

"It's just a history book Professor Binns gave me. It's about Salazar Slytherin and-"

Liz cut her off, "And you lost me at history."

Resisting the urge to smirk, Lorelei chucked and said softly. "I know."

Together, the three spent the rest of the day after school packing for Liz and Melissa, who would be leaving for the Christmas Holiday.

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