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"What would I do without you, Pandora?"

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"What would I do without you, Pandora?"

The blonde smiled over at her, "Fail, most likely."

Lorelei smiled back, "Thank you, you are my lifesaver." She looked back at her telescope, careful not to disrupt Pandora's expert adjustments.

Astronomy was, in Lorelei's opinion, the only class worth waking up at midnight for. She found the study of the stars to be an extremely intriguing topic. Which is why she signed to keep the class on as an elective.

The only downside? The class was a mash of all four houses with those sixth year and up who elected to take further classes. Which normally wouldn't bother the girl, if not for one thing: Potter.

She would never understand why Potter of all people chose to join the class, as everyone under the sun knew he planned on becoming an auror when he left Hogwarts.

Astronomy was most certainly not a class he needed to fulfill those requirements, so half the time she spent in class was trying to figure out why he had to choose this as one of his elective courses.

The grating noise of Potter's voice while she was half asleep on her feet made her want to smack the shit out of him. The gryffindor boy was far too chipper for the midnight hour.

She was torn between wanting to applaud him for having such a skill, and throttling him for flaunting his inhuman skill.

At least the rest of the students looked tired, but somehow that sick son of a bitch was laughing and joking around with the same energy he had hours prior. Only now, instead of laughing with his usual friends (who had made the respectable decision to sleep instead of take more astronomy), he was surrounded by girls who would laugh if he breathed too loudly.

Honestly, she couldn't blame the girls for trying. She could admit she didn't enjoy Potter's presence, but she would be lying if she didn't admit he was attractive.

But. He was so clearly focused on Lily and only Lily that it would take a strong will to battle it out with him.

Which was exactly what Lorelei was planning on doing. She was torn between dred of having to challenge Potter's affection for Lily, and excitement for a new challenge.

Instead of a bell ringing to end the class, there was a soft gong enchanted by magic to go off at one in the morning.

"Finally." Lorelei whispered, gathering her things quickly, practically running from the room.

Her bed called to her like a siren call as she rushed through the corridors. Luckily she, and the other astronomy students, had a late start morning after every astronomy class.

Flopping on her bed before she even took her shoes off, she fell into a deep sleep for the rest of the night.

The night which lasted seconds.

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