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August came quickly

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August came quickly. Lorelei moved in with Melissa and Liz into a modest apartment near the muggle town of Ipswich. It was about eighty miles away from London, but to their good fortune their apartment came with a floo system built in.

The three girls began a juggling act of trying to balance their work, social, and political lives.

Lorelei was the one most pulled apart by responsibility. Between her full time job, James, Order meetings, keeping up with her friends, and housework, she was exhausted.

Unfortunately, or perhaps luckily, James was equally busy with becoming an Auror. He and Sirius were lucky enough to both be accepted into the ministry rather quickly. Although he described the training as brutal, James always glowed with pride and satisfaction at the end of every long day.

Lorelei felt more or less the opposite. She quickly felt overwhelmed with the fast pace of her new workplace. She was practically thrown into editing textbooks for the next school year that needed to be published by January.

After her days at work, she would try and spend a few hours with James on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday she would spend the hours before bed doing housework, and Friday she spent at Order meetings. Which wouldn't be bad if they weren't depressing. Her weekends were the only real time she had to see people outside of her immediate bubble.

Soon enough they sped into September.

Melissa and Liz seemed to be adapting to their new routines with relative ease, whereas Lorelei felt like she was wearing weighted boots through water. But ever so slowly things were looking up as she found a rhythm to her work that made her daily life slightly more easy to juggle. Creating a routine helped her balance the life she'd been violently thrown into.

Meanwhile, James completed his six week Auror training and began field work. Beginning with small jobs and slowly working his way to more flashy and dangerous jobs. He continually ignored Lorelei's concerns, assuring her that the work he was doing made a difference, and he only left the ministry for field work otherwise he was there doing paperwork. In his eyes there wasn't a better way to combat Voldemort outside of direct opposition.

Even with new challenges, James and Lorelei never wavered in their relationship. Their Monday and Tuesday date nights helped Lorelei stay motivated and less overwhelmed. Even with all the changes in her life, she still had James.

The one area they disagreed on continued to be The Order. Lorelei held the strong opinion that, despite joining herself, it was way for Dumbledore to control his corner of the war by using people who wanted to be active in the opposition of Voldemort for his gain. Dumbledore got all the credit for his idea to create the Order Of The Phoenix, but the members fell into obscurity in many of the conversations around the topic.

James held the opposing opinion that, no matter Dumbledore's motivation, the Order was doing good by opposing Voldemort. It didn't matter the motivation of the work, just that people outside of the ministry were taking steps to fight against Voldemort.

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