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Lorelei paced her dorm room.

Her whispered curses were her only release at the moment, Melissa and Liz were both asleep and the thought of waking them up to talk made Lorelei queasy.

But the thought of going to sleep made her equally anxious.

Feelings weren't a huge strong suit for her, but the one thing she knew for sure was that she was having many feelings for James.

Her stomach flopped for the hundredth time of the evening.

The darkness of the room made it difficult to see where she was pacing, leading her to stub her toe more times then she could count. Her most recent accident led her to storming to the door.

At first, she planned on sitting in the common room trying to calm herself down.

But that plan quickly eroded. The common room was dark and empty, and cold. And sitting in the dark common room seemed a far less inviting option than pacing her dark dorm room.

But even the thought of going back into her dorm room made her already heightened anxiety spike further.

Instead, she came up with the brilliant plan of roaming the corridors. At least that way she would have the windows as light to see with.

And besides, if she got caught she'd just have to serve detention - which at worst would give her something to do for the next few evenings.

The next few evenings that she fully intended to avoid James for. She settled on the idea after leaving the library earlier that evening. Everything in her head was so complicated, she was thinking herself in circles and there was no one awake to talk with.

Well, she thought, maybe not the only person.

But talking with James about her conflicted feelings just wasn't an option.

The corridors held the same quiet air as the common room, but it was much easier to think in the deserted corridor.

She felt like she was having a therapy session within her own head - playing both parts of therapist and patient. She played the angel and the devil's advocate.

First, her and James would never work.


Because she isn't looking for a relationship.


She isn't ready?


She knew the answer, but even the little voice in her head hesitated to say it. Somehow saying it, even in the privacy of her mind, might make it more of an issue.

An issue.

Breathing in harshly through her nose, and breathing equally harshly out, Lorelei forced herself to at least be brave enough to admit her issues to herself.

true loves poison • james potterWhere stories live. Discover now