Going into hiding was a fucking nightmare

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Going into hiding was a fucking nightmare.

Both James and Lorelei made the choice to leave their jobs, at the very least until they knew for certain if Harry was who the prophecy was talking about. With James's inheritance, they were fortunate enough to have the decision to not work.

But staying home all day, with the most minimal amount of contact with other people, was beginning to drive them both crazy.

Writing letters like a prisoner, Lorelei checked on everyone she could, starting with Alice and Frank. It was hard to know if they would know after their children were born who the prophecy was speaking about. It felt like shit knowing it was almost certainly a death sentence on one of their children.

According to Frank, Alice was a mess. Not that anyone blamed her.

According to Alice, Frank was doing everything in his power to shore up the defenses on their house.

Sirius had only responded to one of her letters. He was well, and he assured her that in his spare time he would research all he could about prophecies.

Remus wasn't doing well. Him and Sirius were tense and, according to Remus, short with one another. With Remus bouncing between whatever jobs would take him, and Sirius being an auror, things weren't exactly stable with the two of them.

But Peter replied to all of her letters, however short. He was still living with his parents for the time being, and he had apparently joined some kind of club. Lorelei was happy he was making friends outside of 'the marauders' considering how little they all saw each other these days.

After Peter, Lily was the one Lorelei corresponded with most. She was probably the most healthy individual of them all considering she often escaped to muggle London. While the death eaters didn't exactly leave muggles alone, the wizarding world was their main target.

It sounded peaceful, to just walk down the streets of London.

Every time she thought of the situation, Lorelei had to pace around the house.

There were so many things she regretted in hindsight, and despite knowing it wasn't healthy to reminisce on what could've been, she couldn't help but feel broken about all the what if's.

And now her and James were going to have a baby. A baby who, quite possibly, was cursed to be the one to take down the current greatest threat to the wizarding world.

Lorelei listened to the sound of her feet hitting the floor as she paced the living room.

James had turned twenty with little ceremony. The time seemed to pass no matter how hard she dug her heels in the dirt. She baked him a cake, he acted happy.

They were doing their best. They acted for one another's sake despite knowing neither were doing their best.

The prophecy haunted the house more effectively than a real spirit. Neither of them could escape the fear around the corner with her growing stomach as a flashing reminder.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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