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Taking one short breath in, Lorelei walked quickly to the tree just outside the defence against the dark arts classroom

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Taking one short breath in, Lorelei walked quickly to the tree just outside the defence against the dark arts classroom.

She'd sent James a short note telling him to meet her there. The tree was tucked next to a wall, so they'd have some privacy while also having a quick escape if needed.

Adrenaline was high in the girl as she paced under the large tree. Picking at the skin on her nails as she waited, Lorelei tried not to over think.

Of course, trying not to over think just made her over think that much more.

Her mind sent her in circles, if the next hour went roughly how she planned she would be pursuing a relationship - a real, genuine one.

The idea made her ill.

The last time she'd been in a genuine, uncalculated, relationship had been with Johnny.

Even in the moment she knew, five years in the future she would view the moment as silly. Confessing feelings wasn't anything compared to fighting in a war, or something equally heroic.

But her stomach didn't seem to care how insignificant her feelings would be. It seemed to only care about how she currently felt. Not much of a shock considering her stomach didn't have the capacity for nuance.

"I think you've left a path from how much you're pacing." A teasing voice commented from beside her.

Looking quickly over, Lorelei opened her mouth to respond as she processed the correct way to respond. Glancing down as if she hadn't noticed her indent on the ground, she tried to make a casual joke, "Hopefully Professor Sprout doesn't see."

James gave her an obligatory harsh exhale one could take as a chuckle before coming closer to her, further behind the tree to allow them complete privacy. "So why did you ask me to meet you here?" He asked, getting straight to the point.

Avoiding eye contact, Lorelei looked up at the branches above them, "I was advised that I should stop avoiding you."

"Considering the other times you've avoided me, three days isn't so bad. Honestly I thought it might take you a month before you talked to me again." James teased.

Against her better judgement she smiled at his barb. Fighting a laugh she finally looked at his face, trying not to pay attention to the part of her mind focusing solely on how handsome he looked, "Yes, well. This time I wasn't mad at you, which probably helped."

James raised his brows, "You weren't?"

Confusion made space for itself in her anxiety ridden thoughts, "Of course I wasn't."

"Then why did you avoid me at all?"

As quickly as it came her confusion left, overpowered by the strength of her anxiety. "I needed time to consider what to do."

Emotions were complex, so much so that sometimes Lorelei couldn't fully understand them. One thing she did understand was that confusion and understanding shouldn't be able to mix. However, James's expression conveyed both. "Consider what to do with what?"

Anxiously pulling down the sleeves of her jumper, Lorelei tried not to shy away from James. She knew she'd have to answer questions when she invited him here, "With you. I haven't had," She briefly hesitated, something that wasn't lost on James, "feelings since-" another pause, "fifth year." She finished, hoping that would salvage her point.

James looked down, assumedly in thought. "And now? What have you decided?"

She looked him in the eyes responding quietly, slowly; confidently. "I can't keep running from you."

It was a bit more cryptic then she wanted to be, but confessing her feelings outright felt impossible.

Luckily it seemed James understood what she meant.

Stepping closer to her, James's expression deepened.

He had pulled her into his orbit. It was becoming rapidly apparent to Lorelei the inevitability of their relationship.

Ever since she started her project, perhaps even before, fate had sent the two on a spiral path to this moment. This decision. This confession.

And fate new exactly what would happen to the two, their destiny was set in stone the moment James Potter reached up to touch her cheek behind that tree.

Because in that moment, they were both sure. Sure in each other. Accepting the future consequences without understanding them.

James pulled her closer, carefully gauging her reaction as he placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

Not one to be outdone, Lorelei grabbed him by the neck and deepened the kiss.

In their happiest moment, they doomed each other.

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