Lorelei was glad the Christmas break flew by quickly

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Lorelei was glad the Christmas break flew by quickly. The days before Christmas got excessively lonelier as more and more students left. By the time the actual day of Christmas came, there were a total of perhaps fifty students left in the castle.

Lorelei spent the days alone in her dorm wrapping and sending presents off via owl to each of her friends that had gone home for the holidays.

Reluctantly, Lorelei also had her gifts to Potter, Sirius, Remus, and Peter delivered through owl.

The morning of Christmas, she woke up to boxes littered around her dorm. She spent the first half of the day making her way through each gift.

Liz had gotten her, Lorelei, and Melissa matching ankle bracelets.

Melissa had gotten Lorelei a pack of self-shuffling playing cards.

Remus got her a red scarf. Peter got her four whole boxes of candy from honeydukes. Sirius got her a pearl necklace. And Potter got her a remembrall.

After the long morning of opening presents and going to breakfast, (luckily for her, Potter and his friends had decided to go home for the holidays, making him easier to avoid) Lorelei was finally able to read through Blood Magic: A Lost Art.

It read mostly like a textbook, making it a dull read overall, but the contents were fascinating enough to keep her interested enough to flip through each page.

She finished the first six chapters, out of fifteen total, and by then it was the afternoon. With nothing else to do, Lorelei worked on her essay for History of Magic, finishing it quickly.

Lorelei spent the rest of her Christmas reluctantly reading letters from her parents (both attached with pouches of galleons) her mother, Etta, had gone to America with her sister, Donna, to visit their aunt Marie.

Her dad, Paul, had gone to Paris with his girlfriend.

From their descriptions, her mother was not having a good time and she wished she had both her daughters (Lorelei had previously emphatically declined to go to America with her). And in the letter from her father it was quite short in comparison, with only a moving image of him and his girlfriend in front of the Eiffel Tower and a short scribble on the back reading: "We miss you, Lorelei. I hope you're getting high marks."

She was grateful when the holidays ended and Liz and Melissa came back.

Finally breaking into January, Lorelei walked to the first breakfast of the year with her friends laughing the whole way there.

"I'm so happy you're back," Lorelei said for the fourth time, "The past week has just been a blur, I don't think I could say a single detail about what I did besides sit by myself in our dorm."

Melissa giggled while Liz answered, "We missed you too Lori. I also missed the food." Clearing the small space between her and the seats, Liz sat down eagerly.

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