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"This is a television

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"This is a television. A muggle invention using similar technology as the camera and photograph that we reviewed last class." Professor Wells explained to the class. "Although on the television the photographs are taken so close together that when they are flipped through quickly they form a moving photograph."

"Muggles don't have moving photographs?" A student asked.

"No," Professor Wells responded, "Our photographs are powered by magic, but as a non magical species muggles don't have access to magic, obviously. But, they have developed a way to mimic our moving photographs by arranging many photographs after another and using a television to project the images in such a way that it seems as if the photos are moving."

Lorelei tried not to he bored of the lame muggle invention as she dutifully took notes on her parchment. Although the class was slow enough that a dedicated turtle could learn about muggles.

The bell rang, putting twenty four students out of their misery as they all scrambled to get their materials in their bags as to high tail it out of the class as quickly as possible.

"Muggle studies is the worst class." Liz said before turning quickly to Melissa, "No offence Mel."

"I agree," Melissa said with a laugh, "Professor Wells could at least try and make muggles interesting. My parents are muggles, and both of them are interesting enough."

Smiling at the floor, Lorelei looked over at her friend, "Besides different ways of living, muggles aren't so different from us."

"If only every wizard thought so." Liz mused as a group of particularly prejudiced slytherin's walked past.

Watching the students Lorelei said half mindedly, "They only think so because it was taught to them."

"And what of Voldemort? Do we presume his parents taught him so?" Melissa asked, a hint of bitterness leaking into her sentence.

"Voldemort is demented in the head. Perhaps his parents used magic on him as a baby, permanently disfiguring his head." Liz said spitefully, not disguising her distaste for the wizard.

Shrugging, Lorelei mulled over the ridiculousness of blood purity on her way to their dorm.


Lorelei perused the books in front of her, occasionally pulling one down to read the summary written on the back.

"Proper ways to wash a cauldron. Seems like a fascinating read."

Recognizing the voice, Lorelei smiled down at the book. Without looking up, she replied, "Do you presume to know the seven ways to wash a cauldron?"

"No, I only need one. Why would I need seven? Why should anyone need seven different ways when just one works?"

"In case a potion stains the pot of course. You can't use just any cleaning supplies on a cauldron you know."

"Magic, Lorelei. That should be the only option. Just throw a Scourgify at the thing and call it a day."

Lorelei smiled and finally looked up from the book, putting it safely back on the shelf, "I didn't know you frequented the library, James. What brings you here?"

"Actually," James said, stepping closer, "I was coming to see you. I dropped by the Ravenclaw common room, but I was informed you would be found here instead."

Turning back to the shelf, she used half a mind to continue perusing, "Well I must make the most of my time. Was there something you needed from me?"

"Yes, actually." James said, "I figured out your puzzle from the other night."

"Puzzle?" She asked.

James nodded, stepping just an arms length away, "Yes, when you said you'd been to more interesting parties. I realized your implication."

"Do you want an award? I don't believe I have a medal on me at the moment, I'm so sorry." Lorelei fake pouted and looked over at him.

James laughed and shook his head, "No, of course not."

"Is that really all you came for? To tell me you know now what I meant the other night?" Lorelei asked, a disbelieving smile ghosting on her lips as she pulled another book from the shelf.

James hesitated.

"What else would I have come for?" He asked teasingly, although something in the set of his jaw told her there was another question hidden under his words.

Skimming the back of the book with half a heart as she mulled over his question, Lorelei eventually came up with, "It's an awful lot of trouble to come all the way to the library to find me, just to let me know you figured out the meaning of my statement the other night. Which does lead me to believe you have an ulterior motive." Placing the book back on the shelf, she turned to face him completely.

James kept his expression guarded despite the smile on his lips, "I would like to say I had a better reason, but truly I just wanted to see you."

"Oh James, I'm flattered. I could sign an autograph if you'd like? Perhaps you would like a photograph? What about a souvenir? I believe I have an old pen I could gift you." She teased, keeping a half serious expression as she joked.

"Oh ha ha," James said dryly, "What I mean is, Sirius and Remus are off doing Godric knows what, and Peter is doing 'very important' homework."

"So you're bored and decided to seek the fourth most interesting person in your life?" Lorelei asked with a smile.

"Third, actually. Sirius is first, I'm second, and you're third." James corrected.

Raising a brow, Lorelei asked, "Peter and Remus don't make the list?"

"Oh they do," James said in all seriousness, "They're just fourth and fifth."

Lorelei scoff-laughed, "You rank higher on your own list than two of your closest friends?"

"Where else would I be?"

"At the very bottom."

Shaking his head, James leaned against the book shelf, "No, that's where Snape resides. I'd prefer to be as far as possible from that man, including on lists."

Lorelei let out a disbelieving chuckle, "You are such a cocky bastard, you know that?"

"My mother has been telling me that my whole life actually."

"Hmm. I believe I would get along with your mother."

James rolled his eyes with a playful smile on his lips, "Stay away from my mother, Byrd."

"Oh not this conversation again." Lorelei faked exasperation.

"There should only be one Potter you're interested in getting to know better."

"Your dad?"

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