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The second week of May, chaos fell upon the seventh year Hogwarts students

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The second week of May, chaos fell upon the seventh year Hogwarts students.

N.E.W.T. exams were announced to be held June twenty first, and for the N.E.W.T. preparation class a bomb dropping on the school would have been less chaotic then their increasing coursework.

Thus far, the class had been one of Lorelei's favorites. More of a blank period she could use to study, but beginning the eighth of May it was her most demanding class.

She barely had time to breathe between her overflowing workload constantly spilling from her bag. Gone were the days when she could even wish for downtime.

The Hogwarts halls became sparce throughout May, as even the foursome of James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter were holed in study groups. James and Sirius hoped to become Aurors, and Remus was interested in getting high marks all around - hoping his impressive N.E.W.T. scores would overshadow his condition. Peter was easily the calmest of the four, which was quite possibly the first time that was the case. He was unconcerned about achieving perfect grades since he could easily secure a job with an uncle of his.

Lily had since returned from her sisters wedding, unwilling to speak any details. Even her plus one, Mary, refused to divulge any details of the occasion, saying only that it was Lily's story to share if, when, and how she chose to share.

Lorelei hardly got to see her favorite redhead as Newts not only kept her busy, but Lily as well. Even mealtimes were slowly overrun by books and study sessions.

The average person visiting Hogwarts might have assumed there was an exam everyday with how much mass studying and coursework happened between May and June.

Melissa hadn't left her desk for more then four hours outside of classes since late February, sleeping only when positively necessary and using magic for basic hygiene and health. Despite her roommates attempts at convincing her she would pass, she refused to sleep until N.E.W.T.s were over.

Elizabeth seemed to spend the most time staring blankly at her study materials, as if she could absorb the material through proximity. She hoped to work in the ministry, despite daily talking anxiously about how there were plenty of jobs that don't require N.E.W.T. exam scores at all.

Silently Lorelei felt similarly to Liz. If she got high N.E.W.T. scores, she would be all the better, but if not...

She could always join a profession that didn't require prior education. Plenty of Wizards and Witches had respectable jobs without having had outstanding grades.

But the lingering tension surrounding her peers was difficult to ignore. The pressure of passing kept her in the library past curfew, though she wasn't the only seventh year breaking curfew.

The library became so populated with the older students most nights that the staff had to come in and enforce curfew each night in May.

McGonagall seemed to enjoy the task the most, as most nights at nine pm she would come in and swiftly usher the students back to their dorms.

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