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Life was much easier, in Lorelei's opinion, with her head held in her hands blocking out all the light

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Life was much easier, in Lorelei's opinion, with her head held in her hands blocking out all the light.

Although she wished she could say the same about the sound. After Breakfast Liz and Melissa called sick on all of their classes, including hers, and dragged her to their dorm for answers.

"You can't sit there not saying anything for the rest of your life." Liz said

Sighing, Lorelei grumbled, "I think I need to go to the hospital wing."

"Why?" Melissa asked kindly.

Finally pulling her hands away from her face, leaving sweaty red imprints behind, Lorelei looked up at Melissa blandly as her eyes adjusted to the light. "I'm feeling at least thirty emotions at once and I'm horribly nauseous. Pomfrey has to have a cure for that."

"Or," Liz started. "Why don't you tell us what happened. If you're still feeling nauseated at the end, I'll take you to Pomfrey. Deal?"

Breathing deeply through her nose, Lorelei accepted that she had to express her feelings eventually. If not to Melissa and Liz, to James. "I don't know where to begin."

"Start with the party. And snogging James." Liz suggested.

"I told you, we were together talking and drinking. And then I was teasing him about being a cowardly Gryffindor and I guess in his twisted way of proving he wasn't cowardly he kissed me."

Liz and Melissa waited in silence for just longer than a regular pause.

"Then what happened?" Liz asked, realizing Lorelei wasn't continuing.

Staring absently at the floor, Lorelei gave a hint of a shrug, "I kissed him back."

Another short pause. Liz huffed, "Then?"

"Then there was a huge group of students leaving the party, they practically ran over James and I. We got separated and by then I had realized what a horrible idea that had been so I left the party and came here."

Taking a moment to process the whole story, Liz stood with her arms crossed. Melissa walked over to Lorelei and held her hand, "And how do you want to go forward?"

Closing her eyes, Lorelei wished everything would just stop. "I was only unsure about James before, but now I'm completely lost. I feel like I should know what to do but everytime I try and solve one issue in my head, four more pop up."

"We are going to spend the next however long sorting out your feelings so you can go to James and tell him how you want to proceed in your relationship. Whether that be he never talks to you again or," Liz hesitated, "Or something else."

Shaking her head Lorelei whispered, "I don't want to deal with this."

"Too bad, you've put it off long enough."

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