Chapter 3 - As Tears fall

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"Sorry," I sniffle and look up at Stiles. "I'm not usually like this..."

"It's fine," Stiles offers his hand and helps me up.

I brush the grass of my pants. "Uh, I guess we should head back to the game?"

"...Yeah." Stiles looks down awkwardly and heads back to the field with me only a foot behind him.

"Stilinski?..." I read the back of his jersey.

"Hey, don't dis it." He turns around and walks backwards so he's facing me and smiles.

I raise my hands up in my defence. "I didn't say anything." I laugh.

"You were thinking it, I know." He grins like a fool and we take a seat on the players bench and watch the game. "Where are you staying? I can give you a ride after." Stiles asks, still focused on the game; occasionally jumping up when Beacon Hills almost scores and screaming like a maniac when they do.

"Oh my god," I run my hand through my hair. "I haven't even considered that...I guess I'll be in the woods tonight, I'll find somewhere tomorrow."

Stiles whips his head towards me, his eyes wide. "Are you crazy!?"

"Stiles, I've survived in the woods my whole life. I think I can survive one more night."

"Yeah, and then Peter or some hunters come along and kill you." He exclaims.

"What other option do I have? I'll be fine." I argue.

He shakes his head and his hair waves slightly. "No, I can't let you do that." He looks around the field thinking. "Why don't you stay with me?" His eyes brighten and I laugh.

"I can't Stiles. Besides your parents aren't going to accept a total stranger."

"My dad's the sherif, he can't exactly deny you a place to stay." He argues.

I sigh. "I can't win this can I?"

"Nope." Stiles grins and tosses his arm around my shoulders.

I shake my head. "You're crazy."

"You know it!" He smirks and focuses back on the game.

Well after watching a group of guys running around the field and not having a clue how the game works, I follow Stiles as we go find Scott.

"And that's how you win!" Stiles gives Scott and high five. They won 6-4, Scott got the first and last goal...if that's what they call it.

I smile to Scott, "Great job."

"Thanks!" Scott replies to us both.

"Scott!" Allison runs up and gives Scott a hug.

"Hey!" Scotts hugs her back.

"Hey Ms. McCall!" Stiles waves to Scott's mom who appears behind Allison. "This is Delilah!" Stiles introduces me to her.

"Hi," I smile.

"Hello, nice to meet you." She greets me back.

"Well we gotta find my dad, I'll catch up with you later!" Stiles tells them and leads us through the crowd of people.

"Stiles, over here." A voice calls and a man with a sheriffs coat appears in front of us.

"Hey dad." Stiles gestures to me, "This is Delilah, she just arrived in town today and she needs a place to stay." He hints to his dad.

"Uh.." Sheiff Stilinski hesitates then sighs when he sees Stiles' face. "Okay."

"I don't mean to be a bother," I explain. "Really, I can find somewhere else."

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