Chapter 9 - Complications

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Allison looks down at me sympathetically but the look quickly turns to an evil one that matches Kates. "She was Derek's mate after they ran." She explains to Kate. "She was a hunter, and when Laura came back here Derek followed her and Delilah was turned but a stray pack of wolves who killed their pack."

Kate tilts her head and eyes me like I'm her prey. "You? He could've done better. But of course, he knows that doesn't he? Because he's with that human, Calla?" By the look on my face she knows she's right. "Calla. Now there's human for ya. Not much of a fighter though, at least we were expirenced." She winks at me and I let out a growl.

"Now now, I don't need you wolfing out at me or I'll have to go fetch Stiles."

I look at her in a mixture of horror and confusion and she continues. "Yes, I know about what's wrong with you. That's why I came after you, Derek should've known better than to keep you under his house. But I guess you like that don't you?" She gives an evil laugh. "Well I can't capture Derek easily, but all I have to do is snap my fingers and I can have Stiles brought here to calm you down...or for you to kill, your choice really."

She steps away from me and turns to Allison. "Now, on to how to torture a werewolf."


My eyes snap open when a surge of electricity runs violently through my body. I clench my teeth and give a howl.

"Turn it one notch higher." Kate demands to Allison who sits at a control panel for the electrict wire that attach to the table I lie on.

Allison does as Kate tells her and I let out another howl, louder than the first one, begging for anyone to hear me.

"Okay, now set it on low, so she can't fight." Allison again obeys Kate's commands and I feel the current become a low viberate through my veins. "Here." Kate hands Allison a long sliver knife. "We don't want to kill her yet, so it's not laced in wolfsbane, but silver will hurt like hell." She looks down at me, that wicked grin never seems to leave her face. My thoughts replay the word yet through my head.

Allison stands over my body and positions the knife above me. "Allison..." I beg and her eyes flick to mine for a second and I can almost the Scotts girlfriend again, but they quickly switch back to the monster Kate has created when Kate speaks again.

"Do it Allison, I don't have all day."

Without warning the knife plunges down through my stomach and I lurch up in pain, the chains around my wrists and anckles bursting. Kate shouts at Allison to keep cutting, make me weak and ignore the chains and Allison does. She twirls the knife in a circle, ripping through my stomach flesh and pulls it out. She moves further up my chest and the knife plunges in yet again and I howl, depsperately trying to undo the leather strap that's around my chest. Allison doesn't seem to notice, or care because she moves to my thighs, drawing a blooding slash down each one with a swift move of the knife. This time when I cry in pain I shift and the leather strap comes off easily.

I snatch the knife from Allison's hands and throw it at Kate, catching her in her own thigh and she falls to the floor in pain. I shove Allison back, my claps scraping her chest slightly and she crashes into the far wall. I look to the door way and go to run, run from the beast inside that is starting to win control.

"No, you have control. Keep it." I look up and find Derek in the door way. "Become one with your wolf, it's the only way."

I shake my head violently. "I can't do that, I don't want to be a monster." I cry and fall to my knees. I pick on the silver knife that's drenched in my blood and aim it over my heart. I close my eyes and plunge it into my chest, but strong hands stop me. I open my eyes and find Derek kneeling in front of me. He takes the knife from me and turns to Kate.

"All you do is try and kill the ones I love." He roars at her.

She gives her signature laugh. "I don't kill them, you do Derek. Look at what Delilah's become because of you. And Cala? Well, I guess you know what happened to her." Before Kate can continue Derek drive the knife through her chest, piercing her heart and killing her instantly. He doesn't waste time before he turns back to me who is still struggling with my beast.

"You need to breath Lily." He kneels down in front of me and meets my eyes, placing his hands on my shoulders. That was the first time he's called me Lily since back when we we're in the our pack. "Look into my eyes and let the wolf become one with you. Then shift back."

I listen to his soothing words and look into his calm green eyes. Memories start flooding through my head of when we had first met.

"Delilah, this is my brother Derek." Laura introduced me to a tall boy with the brightest green eyes and darkest hair.

He gave me a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"I-it's a pleasure to meet you too." I reply, stunned by his beauty.


"Always and forever." Dereks breath is hot in my ear and his lips find mine again.

"Always and forever." I repeat and he swallows me into a deep kiss yet again.


We walk through the woods, hand in hand. I couldn't believe how much Derek had opened up to me. Laura said he probably would take a while, but we connected instantly. He squeezes my hand gently and I look up into his dazzeling eyes.

"What are you thinking about?" He smiles.

"Just how luck I am." I stop him from walking by walking in front of him and pressing my body against his. His smile widens and I swear I saw a hint of pink spread across his cheeks for a second before he leans down and kisses me.

I come back and look down at my hands, they're clawless once again.

"Good." Derek nods and stands up, something's off with him.

"What happened?" I ask, knowing Kate wouldn't come here without distrubing him.

"It's Cala. Kate killed her." Derek doesn't turn to face me. Instead he just looks down at the floor and I can feel the sadness flood through him. "It's all my fault. She killed Cala, then she came after you."

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him, surprisingly he doesn't shake me off. "I'm sorry." I look up and make him face me. "I really am. But Kate's dead now, she can't do anything else."

Something goes off in Derek's eyes, a spark flickers in them. He looks at me as if recognizing me for the first time. He leans down and face is inches from mine, he meets my gaze once. I know I shouldn't, but I let him meet my lips and kiss me. At first it was light, hesitant. Trying to see if it was right, then it quickly deepened and his arms went around my waist, clutching me to him. My arms loop around his neck and my fingers find their way through his hair. He keeps kissing me desperately, over and over again, like he is hungry for love. And I return his kisses with my own.

At the sound of someone clearing their throat in the door way we jump apart, and I mean jump. We leap through the air and land a good six feet away from each other. I look startled to the door and my heart crumbles when I see who it is. Stiles. Stiles stands there, starring at me, tears starting to form in his eyes.

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