Chapter 17 - Knives and Arrows

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"What?" I stare at Isaac wide-eyed.

He crosses his arms; a slight smirk plays across his lips. "You know what I mean."

I shake my head furiously. "You have no idea what you're talking about," I growl.

His smirk widens at my frustration. "So what are you going to do about it?"

My fists clench as go to defend myself again. With a sigh, I release them; there's no point in arguing. He is not going to give in. "I don't know," I plop down on the couch and toss my face into my hands. I'm tired from keeping secrets, from fighting.

"You can't do this to them, to yourself," Isaac slowly sits down next to me. "What are you going to do?"

"What can I do?" I mumble into my hands.

"Tell them the truth." He states.

"How am I supposed to do that?" I look up at him, exasperated, "When I don't even know the truth."

"You figure it out."

"It's not that easy..."

"Yes, it is. You just have to think. Do you still love your mate? After everything he's done? Are your feelings for Stiles real? Or were they just a getaway?"

I think for a moment. "He's my mate. That's hard to break away from. But Stiles...that was something different."


"Different, real but it was spontaneous, fun, dangerous." I shrug. "I have no idea what I'm talking about."

Isaac lets out a small chuckle. "Just think about, okay?" He stands up and heads back towards the front door, hesitating.

"What?" I glance up at him.

"Nothing," He says quickly.


"I'm going to Derek's...we're going after the alphas. But you don't have to come, I can make up an excuse for you..."

"I'm coming," I jump up and appear at his side. "I'll be fine, this is more important." I assure him.


So maybe coming was a bad idea.

I scan the area. We're behind the old Hale house, Isaac, Derek, Scott, Stiles, Allison, and myself.

"I know where Peter is." Derek states, his voice carrying loudly. "He's with the alpha pack: Kali, Ethan and Aiden, and Ennis."

"There's only four?" Scott asks.

"Yes, but the number doesn't matter. Kali fights with her feet, so be careful. Ennis is strong and large. Ethan and Aiden, their twins, when fighting together they become stronger."

"Their strength feeds each other." I state.

"Exactly," Derek nods. "Peter is the weakest of them, focus on the others."

"So where are they? What's the plan?" Scott rushes Derek.

"They're staying at old warehouse downtown."

"I could've guessed that," Stiles mumbles.

Ignoring his remark, Derek continues. "There are several different entrances; we'll all take different ones. Surround them as well as we can." He scans everyone. "I will lead one team through the front entrance; Delilah will lead a group through the back. With me will be Scott, and Isaac. Allison will follow Delilah. And Stiles will wait with the Jeep."

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